reply to post by AlexIR
first, time travel wouldn't be crossing into parallel universes, you'd merely be moving in the 4th dimension of our universe, time.
Second, gravity does indeed bend space and time. Massive objects warp the space, and to a small extent, the time, around them. This has been proven.
The mechanics of this, though, are still completely unknown. In fact, we still don't even understand WHY things have mass, let alone how gravity
actually DOES what we know it does.
A few problems with time travel.
We can't exceed the speed of light. To even approach the speed of light, your fuel needs will rocket, requiring more MASS, meaning more fuel
requirements. Sure, if we invent some magic new technology, we might be able to overcome that.
The universe has rules, and as such, would never allow us to travel back in time and change things, as it would cause a paradox.
time travel into the future is the only possibility, and even that is a long shot.
Merely creating a massive gravitation force isn't going to let you warp around time. Your best bet is to warp spacetime in such a manner as to
create a wormhole. And with that, you wouldn't really be time traveling per say you'd merely be taking a short cut.
My suggestion to you OP is to watch some documentaries on quantum mechanics, the "worlds first time machine" and maybe take a look at "The grand
design" a book by Stephen Hawking.