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Another police video. This one is interesting

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posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 01:57 AM
Ok, so what we have here is a man filming from his yard a woman who has been pulled over the 3 policemen, who each have their own squad car. You'll notice the woman being frisked, as will you notice her breasts bring frisked. Now, wouldn't a female officer be called in for that? It looks as though the cops are looking for something as they are searching her car.

But that's not what this video is about, oddly enough. As the man films this from his yard he is yelling at the cops, calling them Nazi's. Two officers then walk onto his property as the man backs into his garage. The officers stand in the garage doorway upset at the name calling, and also the filming I'm sure. He tells them they aren't following the Constitution and to get off his property. They don't. They demand to see his ID or else they will arrest them. He complies. He contineus to call them Nazis, even calling them Illuminati. He also talks about Israel and Iran going to war, the economy crashing, I think this guy is an ATS member

At the end of the video they arrest him for Disorderly Conduct.

It's understandable why a policeman would be upset by the name calling, but in my opinion this is a clear case of abusing their power to satisfy their anger. Also, that woman may have a lawsuit on her hands, so the good news is we have the officers names and badge numbers

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by Swills

No, I disagree. This was clearly a provoked situation. And throwing the term "Nazi" around is basically racist. This guy just wants attention. I am sure that most people on ATS want truth, not true negativity.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by PhysicsAdept
reply to post by Swills

No, I disagree. This was clearly a provoked situation. And throwing the term "Nazi" around is basically racist. This guy just wants attention. I am sure that most people on ATS want truth, not true negativity.

There's no doubt he is provoking them, but being the professionals they should be, they can ignore him because he is no threat, continue with their job, which was pulling the woman over, frisking her, and searching her car. They woman was let go, prolly with a ticket. Then they go on their merry way. Or waste their time because some guy called them a Nazi.

As a teenager I've called cops worse names. They were the bigger men and ignored me.

edit on 20-7-2011 by Swills because: it's late and I cant add

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 02:08 AM
hmmm this is the one time I think the guy was being an ass, he was nit picking and calling them nazi's I think the cops were pretty calm considering....

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 02:08 AM
Besides, that;s like UP TO 30 days in jail I'm thinking.
-Not a walk in the park, but it's free-ish food

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by PhysicsAdept
Besides, that;s like UP TO 30 days in jail I'm thinking.
-Not a walk in the park, but it's free-ish food

Oh you don't want that food
but then again, there are worse things waiting for you there

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by Swills

I just think that too many people specifically look for what is wrong with the world, instead of looking at just what the world is. And hey, maybe most of the stuff you find isn't positive stuff, but it's about truth--not "nit-picking" (as someone else already coined in this thread)

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by roughycannon
hmmm this is the one time I think the guy was being an ass, he was nit picking and calling them nazi's I think the cops were pretty calm considering....

The guy was definitely picking fight, a verbal one, there is no doubt. Of course the officers were calm, they are being filmed, and as soon as they arrested him the camera goes off. You do realize some police have been known to beat people when they arrest them right? So I wonder how this guy fared

edit on 20-7-2011 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by PhysicsAdept
reply to post by Swills

I just think that too many people specifically look for what is wrong with the world, instead of looking at just what the world is. And hey, maybe most of the stuff you find isn't positive stuff, but it's about truth--not "nit-picking" (as someone else already coined in this thread)

There's a lot of negative in this world, and now's being filmed and broadcast for all to see. I think tomorrow I'll scour YouTube for positive videos of police. I'm curious what my results will be. Positive or negative, I believe these officers were out of line. Ignore the man who yelling Nazi. Honestly, who cares. Do your job, be professional, and move on. That's my point.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by Swills

Some "polices" do, correct. However, we have no proof that they did this time. And because this guy has a video tape (which he was obviously allowed to keep, along with what he recorded), I'm guessing he would come back soon with another video with bruises if that really happened.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 02:20 AM

Originally posted by PhysicsAdept
reply to post by Swills

Some "polices" do, correct. However, we have no proof that they did this time. And because this guy has a video tape (which he was obviously allowed to keep, along with what he recorded), I'm guessing he would come back soon with another video with bruises if that really happened.

Yes some, not all but some, I guess.... And I'm not accusing these officers of beating him, but they are clearly pissed and have him in cuffs in their custody. Hopefully they were truly professional and humane
and was satisfied enough just to arrest him and give him as many fines as they could. If you noticed in the video they were trying to find anything to arrest and/or fine him, such as his grass being too long, in their opinion.

I've been arrested one time in my life, and it was absolute non sense. What was I charged with? Resisting arrest. Now wouldn't I need a reason to be arrested before I am charge with resisting? So my point is, police can and will abuse the law each and everyday all over the world and here is a fine example of it.

And as for the guy who made the tape, who knows, I think we're watching a mirrored video, so the search will continue

Oh and thanks for pointing out my typo, which I fixed before you could point it out. I hope it helps get your point across

edit on 20-7-2011 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 02:26 AM
This video has been posted before ..if the guy had kept his mouth shut there would not have been a problem.
Calling the cops Nazis just ticked them off..Initaly the cop even waved hello .
Have to side with the police on this one

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 02:32 AM

Originally posted by granpabobby
This video has been posted before ..if the guy had kept his mouth shut there would not have been a problem.
Calling the cops Nazis just ticked them off..Initaly the cop even waved hello .
Have to side with the police on this one

It has been posted? Damn... I did a search with the title and descriptive words but found nothing. Yeah, it's easy to side with the police when the guy was clearly calling them names. I don't agree with the guy at all but being prior military, and as are some cops, it's easy to be professional in this situation, do your job and go on with your day. What happens if they just ignored the guy yelling? They continue their day and he gets a tape of him yelling at cops as they totally ignore him. Or waste tax payer time arresting him and jailing him. Although, I'm sure the courts do enjoy the fines and court fees

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 02:48 AM
This guy is a dumb- sh*t and running his mouth like so many of my dear friends who feel just like me, and the rest of us. I know...I know... I don't like police either...and it is tempting to talk sh!t, many times do I have to tell you- DON'T EVER TALK TO THE POLICE!! Invoke yr 1st amendment right to REMAIN SILENT! The only information you must supply to a police officer is your name and address. The only time you must supply legal identification (A driver's license) is when you are detained during a traffic stop (or if you're at the bank asking for a loan, LOL).
We held a party here some time back; the cops came to visit as our bonfire in the back yard was attracting attention. Being that I am the primary lease-holder, the Police asked me for my I.D. I simply responded with, "My name is (so and so), and I reside here at (here)" They prodded me with "Can I please see your I.D.?" I frankly responded that I wasn't going to give them my I.D. They then asked about the drinking (the fact that I had a beer in my hand wasn't much help for the situation, but I know my law). After a few questions about alcohol, the police then *asked* (and this is very important) "'Well, we're going to step inside to check and see if everyone is of age, OKAY?"
I barred their entry to the front door and said, 'No, you're not. I do not consent to your entry." Okay, long story short, one Cop went to his vehicle to run my name; the other cop stood facing me with this stupid, malicious grin, 'Well, if you have any warrants, we are going to arrest you. If you have anything you are trying to hide, you had better tell me now..." (yadda, yadda same old scare tactics)
i then asked if I was being detained. The officer responded, "Yes! You are being detained." At that moment, I told him that I was going to remain silent and then asked to see a lawyer. *this is so awesome, you have to do it* The second officer came back to me to tell me that I'd checked out (no warrants) and told me to keep the noise level down and, "if we have to come back...blah blah blah..." Alas... I still flag this even though the guy is probably my cousin 3rd removed (I was born in Arkansas, know?).

Read this book:

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 02:57 AM
reply to post by Swills

You mentioned that when you were a kid you used to call them worse names then this. Did you ever wonder if it was you that maybe had the issue? I know it is much easier to point the finger then to take personal responsibility in today's society and it is also very accepted.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by Subjective Truth
reply to post by Swills

You mentioned that when you were a kid you used to call them worse names then this. Did you ever wonder if it was you that maybe had the issue? I know it is much easier to point the finger then to take personal responsibility in today's society and it is also very accepted.

Phewww, man that's a wall over your post I gotta climb..but in the mean time...

Yeah when I was a teenager, I may have had some rebellion issues, and being a stupid teenager. But I'm all grown up now and don't call the police names anymore or have any angst towards them. But do you wanna talk about my childhood and find out if my mother hugged me enough?

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 09:06 AM
Sorry, but this guy seems like a grade A dumbass. I think he fully deserved what he got. No sympathy over here.....

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 03:06 PM
Actually, as much of a dumb ass as you may think he is, he was not doing anything illegal, stupid/yes, illegal/no.
It's a slippery slope that we all can go down very quickly. it's best to be very careful, judging.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 03:41 PM
Originally posted 6/7/2011

Does calling a cop a NAZI equal lawful arrest?,

Was about 5 pages of discussion.


posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by Golf66


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