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ATS needs a badge system to track prediction accuracy

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posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 06:04 PM
Beware the Ides of March

Caesar should have listened

What is with all the WHINING threads at ATS lately? If you don't like the prediction threads.. simply STAY OUT. They are kept alive because people who don't like them feel the NEED to go into the thread and stir the pot. All that does is keep it going...

You don't need an ignore button, you don't need a junk button... you just need to be smarter and STAY OUT

Simple yes? There ya go..

Now then.. can we have a button that zaps whiners?

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Hey Tough Guy..!


Stop trying to throw your weight around here..!

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 07:22 PM
WWAAAAAAAAA I,m telling my mommy on you


Neener neener

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 10:18 PM
If it were instituted today, and kept for accurate predictions only, in ten years' time, the Badge Home Page would read:

"No badges have been awarded in 10 years. Be the first to receive a badge!"

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 06:10 AM
Badges? I don't got to show you no stinking badges!
Didn't some of you have a feeling that someone was just bound to post that quote?
Aren't you sorry you didn't post a prediction to that effect here?
You could have won & sported the coveted Badge Number One!

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 06:53 AM
Nice idea... flaggued !!
let me improve the idea a little bit .. no badge needed

For all prediction that came true .. the member should get 5 applause or something else
for all false prediction .the member should get 25 stars removed
that will help to reduce the amount of silly prediction of people who wants attention
edit on 7/20/2011 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 07:30 AM
The whole area of "predictions" is completely uncontrolled on the site, and I think it could end up being the downfall of the site itself. Remember last year the threads about how Obama's administration was going to infiltrate conspiracy sites? Then shortly after the site was celebrating how many new members they were getting and all the briliant advert revenue generating visits? You think those 2 things could possibly be connected?

These days, someone sits on this site day after day and reads all this stuff, then their brains farts it all into a dream, and they're on here the next day claiming it to be prophetic. The last couple of weeks I've been working on making a simple 3d human figure, similar in style to the the Clone Wars animation. Then, late last week, I dreamed the entire process from start to finish, and my dream was watching the model take shape. That's how dreams seem to work, they take the stuff that's buzzing round your head and try to format it into a cohesive shape.

My suggestion would be that the site should change it policy on any predicition, although it would mean more work for the mods. Essentially, if you believe yourself to have a prophesy or prediction, you can post it ok, but in a forum that can only be viewed by the mods and owners of the site. The general public won't then be able to see the hundred predicitions that have more to do with that big chunk of cheese you ate before bed, or someone having a laugh to see how many sheep they can pen with their made up predicitions.

Then, any successful prophesies can be moved by the mods into a public forum. Then, based on a successful track record, certain members may then be given a title or whatever that marks them as a verified prophet. That way, the site is showing themselves to be responsible, and you can get a far better reputation by showing only confirmed prophesies.

It's my understanding that if you are indeed receiving prophetic visions or dreams, that implies some form of source or energy that is providing that insight into the future, and the way a prophet finds out that they are indeed a prophet is by finding out that something they previously dreamed comes true, and through experience and self verification. You don't just decide that your dream must be prophetic, you find out after the fact.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 07:38 AM
Although it would require some effort, perhaps each prediction thread could be moved to [HOAX] when it reaches its expiration date. That way, when you check out someone's posting history it will become immediately apparent that they have a dubious track record.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by DJW001

Yes, but that still leaves the "predicition" visible and linkable on the main site for the duration, and allows it to be used to stir up the easily led, and brings down the overall reputation of the site. If it is true that the US administration sees conspiracy sites as a threat and wants to control them, it seems likely they would do so from within, attacking the credibility of the site by a mass of wolf-crying posts.

The site owners themselves highlighted this rumour that Obama's lot were looking to discredit sites like ours, doesn't it make more sense to put in checks and balances to address that, rather than just celebrate because the site's making more money from adverts, and ignore their own warnings?

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 10:43 PM
This has probably been already said but to reinforce if it has...

Predictions aren't the most definitive thing around really they are usually constructed with lots of mysticism comments etc.. I think that if you were to instead ha a special predictions sub forum and inside of that area you would need to have a full time moderator that would watch each day's predictions come and go and then put it in the hoax bin which automatically assigns 1 negative prediction badge point to the user that posted the prediction.

Each prediction would contain several required fields of entry : prediction title, date it will happen.. prediction

AND if you aren't able to be that specific, then it's probably not worth predicting anyway as all you will achieve is stir up a lot of fear without being able to provide any decent definitive timeframe..

But again this all falls back to the subjective, I guess a tiny wave could be classified as a mild tsunami .. I mean one kid did die in it so... maybe

it's so subjective and all that falls onto the shoulders of the moderator.. and if it fell onto the shoulders of the public perhaps each prediction would need a vote system at the top of it

and the votes decide.. so it'd be

Do you feel this prediction came true YES .. NO...

anyways i've had my rant.. back to work for me ~~~

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 09:05 PM
I support the idea with all my heart.

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