I'm starting to wonder albeit highly speculative, that the US is quietly hoping the EU collapses and the contagion wreaks a collapse on the US. US
congress can then place the blame on the demise of the EU.
who knows how long it lasts, but i dont see ireland defaulting. we have sold our sovereignty to the elite. i can see other countries defaulting
sooner than ireland can, usa for example.
Don't look at the current situation as the death of the Euro but as the rebirth of the Mark and Franc.
With Italy joining the party we now have smoke from all the PIIGS. There is nowhere else to spread but core Europe. The banks in Germany and France
must be hiding horrible losses.
i think hitlers plan for a 1000yr reich was to secretly infiltrate america after intentionally losing ww2 in order to create the euro have economic
collapse and they will all fight to become german.
maybe its not hitlers plan but its somebodies plan.except for the wanting to be german part im just guessing why would anyone do all that?