posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 12:09 AM
My favorite explanation in science is “It just happened.” From evolution, to ancient cultures, to modern times, scientists have been using this
one phrase as an excuse to not dig beyond conventional thinking and the grasp of the Catholic Church for fear of prosecution. It seems that most
theories today cannot be solved because scientists refuse to look at other facts. They are scared at what the mainstream public and the church will
Most non-conventional authors hold Phds in several fields. However, because they write that one book about ancient aliens or alternative theories on
the Sphinx they are discredited and cast out of society. It is fact that most people today refuse to find out for themselves and follow whatever the
government wants them to.
What about the Ancients? As evidence piles up against the grunting cavemen, and points towards an American- like Sumerian civilization one has to
wonder where the Ancients got these seemingly advanced ideas. Putting the alien god theory aside for a minute, that would mean that the human
civilization is a lot older than previously thought. If the Sumerian's knew how to organize themselves into a thriving society then how were they so
good at it right from the start? How come the Sumerian reigned for so long without a single mistake? As far as we know the Sumerian's mysteriously
vanished without any reason. There has been no great pyramids found, no mummified remains, we just have their writings.
Did the Sumerians have the ancient knowledge that so many scientists see throughout time but are hesitant to report on it. All evidence points to the
fact the this ancient knowledge was some type of database where the leaders of the ancient people were able to pick out information. Obviously the
information was regulated in some way because they did not know everything. The Pharaohs, however, did know more then the cattle herders. The only
explanation is that the Pharaohs were in direct contact with this ancient knowledge through some sort of computer control panel.
This theory about ancient computers is only now beginning to see the light of day. It is obvious that there were some advanced thinkers back in the
day that were not regulated by the Pharaohs and the supposed “Gods”. The Antikythera mechanism is an ancient mechanical calculator (also described
as the first known mechanical computer designed to calculate astronomical positions.) It was recovered in 1901 from the Antikythera wreck but its
complexity and significance were not understood until decades later. It is now thought to have been built about 150–100 BC. Such Mechanical devices
are not found in the world until 1000 years later.
This amazing little calculator was used for simple basic mathematics, and complex astronomical readings including the creation of the calendar,
measuring solar eclipses and ship navigation. However this calculator seems like the graphic calculator of today. Wouldn't a more simpler version of
the calculator had to have come first? Whoever created this machine, had to have taken knowledge possibly not belonging to them and going against
society create the first computer!
The theory of ancient knowledge can be seen throughout our idols and mentors today. These people are probably famous in their fields and rose on top
of all others. Now, there is not a giant computer database somewhere telling these people how to sing or throw a touchdown, but maybe the ancient
knowledge was installed into the human genome once our alien god creators left us. This computer program would only initiate through certain human
characteristics and events around their lives. This could be that voice inside ourselves telling us what we have to do. This ancient knowledge could
very well be the human soul.
People today who seem to have this ancient knowledge include: Billionaires, all the celebrities, living presidents, certain authors, political
figures, the Dali Llama (who is exiled from his own country due to his beliefs) and the pope. These people never gave up on their dreams and never
doubted about their existence in the world today. Who will tomorrow's Ancient knowledge holders be? Just look at rising stars, prodigy's, and people
who are experts in their fields. There is a reason the news doesn't go around filming people for doing random everyday things.