posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 10:28 AM
on the cdc site, and concerning "zombies" it mentions a cause for zombies are "prions."
remember the john titor thing, well he said mad cow disease was a pretty bad thing that happens to a lot of people.
the cdc reported a few years ago that around 11 percent of alzheimer's disease victims were actually misdiagnosed cases of cruetzfeld-jacob disease
(human version of mad-cow).
You know the ONLY way to PROPERLY diagnose, and distinguish Cruetzfeld-Jacob disease from Alzheimers?
Are there any indicators in behavior to determine which is which? NOPE!
Is it easier to just see the symptoms of either disease, and call it Alzheimers? YES
Is it less alarming to know that old folks are just getting a nuero-degenerative disease that DIDN'T come from cows? YES
Is it cheap to just diagnose based on dementia, rather than biopsy? YES!
Think you can keep yourself safe from a prion that causes mad cow? You sure can, and it's by heating your steak to around 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
In the Simpson's cartoon, their XX (twentieth) halloween episode, the town turns to zombies. It's not said why they turned, but the town's Indian
(Abu) rescues the simpson's family, and they are wondering how he was not made a Zombie. Abu replies with (paraphrased) I am a vegetarian, therefore
impervious to your tainted beef.
Interesting things about prions, they're not organisms, but a type of protein, can lay dormant in the brain of a person for up to 40 years before
disease sets in, and they are not just in cows and humans anymore, biologists are finding them in almost every animal that lives in a forest, or