posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 07:46 PM
Originally posted by generik
i don't see why anyone should even care what is in/on another persons property.
There are subdivisions in which the house owners DO care what their neighbor's yards look like...and that is fine if they all agree from the onset
that there will be guidelines on how the yards are going to look. That's why Homeowners' Associations got started. There really are people who care.
I'm all for that if each homeowner came on board knowing that what was required of them.
I can understand why an upscale neighborhood with their McMansions and beautiful estates would care about such things and even modest, but cared for
housing only takes one slothful slob to ruin the looks and value of a whole street.
But, they'd better read their list of rules carefully and if the guidelines are too strict, or restrictive or nonsense then they should move on to a
neighborhood that is much more lax with their expectations rather than get in a snit when they feel it is their right to leave their boat out in the
driveway, or their 'hobby car', or replace their manicured lawn with a vegetable garden.
I don't think this was the case with this particular yard, it was a city ordinance and a rather vague one...but, once again they create these laws to
protect all the homeowners who *do* care about their property values, who take the time to maintain and upkeep their possession, and who do care about
the eyesore next door that develops when a lazy pig of a homeowner or tenant allows garbage to pile up, for junk to accumulate, for derelict cars to
gather dust or for all the yard to either turn into an overgrown jungle or to die.
It's the same reason that you can't open up a metal-work shop in your garage, or burn big bonfires in your backyard, or play loud music after a
certain DO owe it to your neighbors to be considerate. Don't expect your neighbors to be happy with you if you are determined to exercise
your 'free spirit' to the detriment of the neighborhood. Unfortunately there are proportionally a large number of people who don't want to behave like
a good neighbor...this is why laws need to be enacted.
This lady was trying to make that 'lemonade out of a lemon' in a situation where her yard had been torn up without her blessing. She ran afoul of
statutes that were not well defined. If the laws are too vague or outdated, then they need to be scrutinized and changed.
She has the beginnings of a nice yard if she will tend to it faithfully and I hope she goes on to help modify and modernize the laws in her town.
edit on 7/14/2011 by czygyny because: clarification