posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:51 AM
Thanks for this.
I've been noticing for years that there are groups with their own agendas (even though the "members" may have differing--and even
conflicting--agendas) who start these mythologies. They grow and grow through books and speeches and conventions and websites, and repetition
repetition repetition, and the next thing you know there are hordes of gullible people spouting them as "fact."
The same sort of thing has happened with the Nazi UFOs and Operation High Jump, and on and on. And the frustrating thing is that if someone were
interested in serious investigation they could find the roots of the real story in a short afternoon's googling. (I almost said "debunk"--silly
Anyway, thanks again. I've been intending to start bringing some of these sorts of things here myself; I just don't have enough free time to write
them up in proper fashion....
ETA: Don't get me wrong: I've seen two UFOs in my lifetime, and I'm a serious believer. But I'm a *serious* believer, and I'm just not interested in
all these *fun*--but deliberately invented--far-out mythologies....
edit on 7/14/2011 by Ex_CT2 because: Oops! "Hordes," not "hoards." Homonyms
are such a pain in the butt.
edit on 7/14/2011 by Ex_CT2 because: (no reason given)