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Ron Paul: 'It's Going to End Very Badly' (Exclusive 8 min Interview!)

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posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by Praetorius

You don't have to like my thoughts on the matter. I don't have to like yours.

Last I checked a person can have more than one career in a lifetime. His current career is politician. He doesn't seem inclined to say, "I'm quitting politics." But rather the opposite, he's running for President, that makes him a career politician.

Its a free Country last time I checked, even if it is debatable on the 'free' part. I don't have to like him, I sure as heck don't have to vote for him, and I sure as heck don't have agree with the opinion that he's the 'best thing since sliced bread and walks on water.'

I don't even care if he's a fellow Texan, he's a Politician, he's a Senator and he's part of the problem. Go ahead, vote for him, believe what ever spews from his mouth, it's your right. An' it's currently a Constitutional right of every legal resident of this Country, go ahead and exercise it.

The way I see it, the elections in November are going to be as bad for the Country as the past twenty years elections have been, if not more so.

Enjoy your freedoms and you can ignore my opinions as freely as you want.
edit on 13-7-2011 by Moshpet because: Life, the universe and everything. 42.

edit on 13-7-2011 by Moshpet because: Had to fix a run-on sentance. It happens.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by anon72

Would someone please tell me what the consequences of raising the debt ceiling would be? I'm thinking that that's what most of us Americans are concerned with, would actually like to get a straight answer to. But we won't, we will? It's all a waiting game, huh?

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by queenofsheba

I think the bigger question is why even have a debt limit ceiling if everytime you reach it you can vote to pass it.

That kind of defeats the whole purpose.

It should be: when you get near the limit YOU STOP SPENDING.

Just imagin if you ran your own finances like the US gov't does. You would be in a heap of trouble.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by anon72

Paul makes a good point like he usually does. Unfortunately, I don't think he can withstand the rigors of the campaign process simply because he DOES tell it like it is.

We need a good solid hybrid candidate that combines the best qualities and ideologies of the most qualified candidates.

As for the debt ceiling... they can raise it all they want but they will just keep spending enough to hit the ceiling again and again. Its a bad cycle that needs to broken once and for all. The only way to fix it is through honest yet brutal austerity measures. Sadly, we now have an administration that is hell bent on creating its own social class of over paid federal employees that are needed to build the union/big labor class back up and to keep them running and in control. Cut them.

Interesting article you may enjoy regarding the amount of money spent on elections alone during the 2008 and 2010 election cycles. It is mind altering when you consider the fuss that the public unions have put up in states like Wisconsin and Ohio. They spent more than all other interests combined. $2.2 BILLION from 2007 through 2010.

Further investigation reveals that the money represented on this chart is only the tip of the iceberg. According to the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), Big Labor spent $2.2 Billion on political activities during the 2008 & 2010 election cycles alone — eclipsing by four times the 20-year $1/2 Billion from the chart.

To think people complain about the spending of big corporations.

All of this big labor spending was done to get this nation to where it is now. Over dependence on the govt. and its bottomless wallet ie. the taxpayer's wallet. They want nothing more than to collapse this nation and the free enterprise that it is based on. The spending numbers by labor interests and Obama is pure proof.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by jibeho

The only way to stop it is to annihilate "IT".

Sorry to say but "change you can believe in", means that nothing can remain the way it is...all this BS about somehow fixing something that NEVER DID work properly is a laughing stock.

Destruction is coming, hopefully not too much but i can see the finish line in the near distance.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by hab22
Cancel all debts. Ron Paul champions the cause of liberty, but liberty begins with the cancellation of debt, according to the laws of jubilee. The Liberty Bell has a quote from Leviticus on it. The quote is from the jubilee proclamation. Cancel all debts, release everyone from economic slavery, return land to its original owner. Best way to end the deficit. Blow the jubilee trumpet. Release everyone from the slavery of debt with a proclamation. That's what Ron Paul should be espousing. It's the basis of true liberty.

But the jubilee is about the debtees canceling the debts, not the debtors. It's not our choice to make. China is our biggest debtee, so what you're proposing is that they cancel our debt and that is highly unlikely (they still cling to the flimsy hope that they can cash in that debt some day, with loads of interest). And even if it came to that it would destroy our debt rating which in turn would ruin our ability to buy/ sell on the world stage. We can't sound a jubilee, but we can default on our debt. You can do the same thing with your home mortgage, you can elect to just call the bank and say "I can't make the payments anymore, sorry." What we need to realize is there are ramifications for that, in the case of the mortgage example you lose your home that you may have sunk a lot of money into and you get nothing in return. In the case of our national debt, we greatly damage our ability to buy/ sell/ trade on the world stage. It's not a question of wiping the slate clean and starting over, it's a question of how badly the fallout would be and how to repair it, if indeed it even can be repaired.

Basically if we default we will lose our AAA rating. In fact Moodys warned yesterday that they are preparing to do just that. If our rating gets reduced, interest rates will go up immediately. We're talking about bank-to-bank loan rates as well as mortages, car loans, business loans, etc. The economic "recovery", as puny and weak as it has been, has been propped up by the low interest rates. A sudden hike in interest rates will not only kill the recovery, but will likely push us right into a recession. And that's the first shoe.

The second shoe will drop if the two sides in the debt debate refuse to budge and we do default on our debt. The worst fallout from this will be a "crisis in confidence". The American people will stop buying products for fear that they might lose their jobs. Heck, SS recipients don't even know if they'll get their monthly checks or not, there's no way they'll be spending money. Foreign entitites that have been big buyers of our debt (such as China) will stop buying our debt, and in fact may start trying to cash in existing debt while there's still money on the table. If our debt-holders become afraid that their holdings may be at risk, they may divest. That could lead to a run on our currency and our printing new money to cover the debts, which in turn will cause runaway inflation.

So you see, debt default is not an answer to the problem, it's the result of not addressing the problem. And if we allow it to happen it will destroy our country as we know it. Personally I think we'd emerge as a totally different country on the other side with rampant unemployment, broken water/ sewer/ electrical/ road infrastructure, widespread poverty, no entitlement programs, a small disfunctional government, etc.I just don't think people realize how serious this is. I'm in my 50's and have lived through many economic cycles and I am the last person in the world to worry about stuff like this, but this situation has me VERY worried.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by queenofsheba
Would someone please tell me what the consequences of raising the debt ceiling would be? I'm thinking that that's what most of us Americans are concerned with, would actually like to get a straight answer to. But we won't, we will? It's all a waiting game, huh?

Well, it's the same as if you had 50,000.00 racked up on your credit cards and hit your credit limit, and instead of addressing why you have so much debt you instead solve your problem by getting a few new credit cards. We've raised the debt ceiling 10 times since 2001 and I think 4 times since 2009. The Republicans have finally drawn a line in the sand and said enough is enough, we have to address our runaway spending instead of just blindly raising the ceiling whenever we hit it. The reason the limit is there in the first place is to sound a warning alarm, IE- if you get close to it then something is wrong that needs to be fixed. Anyway, raising the ceiling is like my credit card example, it means you accumulate even more debt. That in turn means you have to pay more interest out on that higher debt, and interest on the debt is already our 5th largest budget item!! It's costing us 211 billion a year, just in interest! The 14.3 trillion dollar debt already works out to 130,000.00 per taxpayer. It's outrageous. Raising the limit just makes those numbers worse. I'm with the Republicans on this, yes we have to raise the limit short term to avoid a default but in doing so we need to put a plan in place to substantially reduce the debt, and we need to follow through on that plan.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 11:45 AM
Yeah this man seems like he's the only real hope America has left. But I can't help but start to wonder if he will go back on a lot of what he says once elected like every other president. Maybe the bankers have been keeping RP in their sleeve for a moment like this. An old white guy that seems like the only sane candidate with a perfect voting record? Something smells fishy.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 11:57 AM
I hate to burst the ron paul bubble. However, has it occured to anyone, that Ron Paul sounds exactly like Obama did before he was president? Telling us exactly what we want to hear.....It seems to me that Ron Paul just might be another puppet, another way of making the people think its democracy, so they vote for him. I don't know if he is or not, but he just reminds me of Obama, and look how that turned out.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:06 PM
As much as I respect, and will vote for, Ron Paul, I have to wonder why he would give up his seat as Chairman of the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy. After all, it is in this capacity that he can most easily take down his arch-nemesis: The Fed.

But then, he probably knows something I don't.

*I wonder if his life, or the life of a loved one, was threatened by the banksters?

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by xxshadowfaxx

Ron Paul means what he says and has been saying it for 20 years.

For that reason he will never be president. If it looks like he might he will have an accident.
edit on 14-7-2011 by justwokeup because: brain fart

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by OldCorp

I have to wonder why he would give up his seat as Chairman of the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy. After all, it is in this capacity that he can most easily take down his arch-nemesis: The Fed.

An excellent observation Sir. Star.

Now you got me thinking... what does he know!

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by hab22
Cancel all debts. Ron Paul champions the cause of liberty, but liberty begins with the cancellation of debt, according to the laws of jubilee. The Liberty Bell has a quote from Leviticus on it. The quote is from the jubilee proclamation. Cancel all debts, release everyone from economic slavery, return land to its original owner. Best way to end the deficit. Blow the jubilee trumpet. Release everyone from the slavery of debt with a proclamation. That's what Ron Paul should be espousing. It's the basis of true liberty.

I'm o.k. with that, but you do realize that it means the beginning of World War III, right?

When peacetime mobilizations are forced to change, the only option is a wartime mobilization. How do you think that the previous two world wars started?

Be careful of what you ask for....

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by voiceoreason

When peacetime mobilizations are forced to change, the only option is a wartime mobilization. How do you think that the previous two world wars started?

Hmmm, interesting way to put it. The over all big picture. Yes.

But, I don't think the USA will be a decider in the next World War. They will be more reactionary-which just maybe the downfall end. IMO.

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