posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 07:21 PM
In some ways I agree with what you say, I do believe that the youth of today are less caring of others and are a lot more self centered. This has
become more apparent within the last 15 years or so in my experience as a teacher within schools. I am not saying that this applies to all youth, but
a large majority of. I think the one main thing that really gets my goat is the fact that they will not listen and learn. Youth in schools today
already think that they know everything and cannot be taught anything. I truly believe that the future is going to show people to be the most
stupidest and idiotic there has ever been. Whenever you go on websites and see the way in which things are written down, the grammar and spelling is
totally awful and just makes me cringe and very upsetting to see the way things have developed...
TV at one time was an entertainment and enjoyable to watch, but now not so much. We are bombarded every 7 or so minutes with commercials trying to
sell us crap we don't need. Most TV shows seem to be about people watching other people having a life without having a life themselves. This type of
TV is just mundane and not needed and is a cheaper option to TV companies. Shows of substance and effort no longer exist. Even today, when you watch
some TV crime series there is no substance to them, there is no working out to do regarding the plot etc. The plots are so boring, uninspiring,
mundane, unintelligent and are produced in such a way that you as a person don't even have to put any thought into the plot whatsoever, they just
wash over you. In fact the commercials are probably better made and more thought has gone into them than the shows that you watch on TV.
To be truthful I hardly ever watch any TV now unless there is something I really want to watch that I know has been well put together. Normally you
can tell within 5 minutes whether a TV show is going to be worth watching or not, this is normally shown by the dialogue used between characters.
Personally in my house the volume is always turned down and when ads appear I either go and make a drink or pick up a book and read until the show
reappears on the TV.
And as for sports personalities, pleeeeeease give me a break. How can a professional footballer in the UK's premier football league earn 120,000
pounds a week for kicking a bag of wind about and the Prime Minister only get 180,000 pounds a year for running the country. What's all that about?