Something smells ripe here. You might be an unwitting party to the collection of data on potentially seditious folks by some three-letter agency, or
you might be one of the sheepdogs setting the fruitless agendas for the other little V's. You might even be a fully vested partner in what appears to
be an effort to divert seditious impulses into harmless channels.
Dunno. You are, after all, faceless. Or rather, you all share the same face.
And that's one of the things that bugs me. The Fawkes get-up? It's just another uniform. Fight fascism with fascism seemed to me to be the take-home
message from V for Vendetta. Not a big Alan Moore fan here.
Also? All of your operations have amounted to spit-wads shot at relatively tame targets.
Your use of the word legion? Makes my skin crawl.
Thank you for your time,
edit on 12-7-2011 by mistermonculous because: musical insert
this post editor sucks. legion in the bible is the many demons that Christ drove out of the swine that were owned by the leader of the the jewish
Yeah, it is getting bad fast. It has come down to some member on this thread threatening people
with 'Anonymous'. This is going South very quickly, I think.
I think just the very nature of ATS may be too much for this Anonymous thing to tolerate; it is breaking up on re-entry. I think I will go play Dwarf