posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 06:45 PM
Originally posted by jude11
The message here is for those enforcement officers who hold guns to the heads of American Citizens.
How does it feel to have a gun held to YOUR head by your own Government? And you thought you had all the power? Think again.
Maybe now these officers will realize they are not the enforcers but only the tools.
False Flag? No doubt in my mind. So if you officers can now see the real truth, it's time for you to make a choice and fight for REAL patriots...the
Makes you truly wonder why intelligent people who understand that they're just puppets, not understand that puppets ALWAYS end up expendable.
Do LEOs really have that much low self esteem?
Not in their own minds. Most are recruited directly from retired or partial duty military - who've already undergone their MKUltra conditioning, with
chests puffed out in full... not all, but most... THAT is why their way of thinking never makes a common denominating factor when they deal with
common sense people. To them there's always a sinister intent and motive - even amongst their fellow Americans.
Good for the ptb - bad for their fellow citizens.
They'll come on here and tell me I'm wrong, how dare I... What do you see, when you look in the mirror?... if you even do?
Don't look away, STARE at it until it sinks in... then simply RESOLVE to love yourself and those around you LEO, by taking control and helping your
floundering peers. give them back their trust in you, by giving them a hard earned break every now and then. Flush their dope, let them keep their
kids, warn them on their vehicular speeding...
And appreciate it when someone with minor warrants still comes up and thanks you for being who you are, instead of running their names or plates to
check on them!