posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 07:55 AM
It's not a hoax. Being a Dane myself, I wondered this topic as I hadn't read anything about it in the papers here but I did a bit of research and
found the apparent reasoning behind the ban.
Apparently the Health Department feels that the products are too rich in vitamin B, iron and folic acid. They claim that it has adverse effects on
pregnancies and that the products can cause damage to the liver, kidneys and central nervous system. The problem is with getting too many vitamins and
the Health Department as well a number of organizations all agree that we get plenty of vitamins through a normal diet.
The ban is a part of a larger plan to get rid of enriched products that sell themselves as being healthy while actually being bad for you.
Kellogg's, obviously, is whining about strict rules.
I cannot say why your FDA is not doing the same, though I imagine Kellogg's brandishing a bit more power in the US than in a small country of five
million people.
- Nick