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Inside The Conspiracy To Murder Lincoln

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posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

Now in saying that no way were the banks included in JFK's assasination might be a little nieve especially when he was fighting against the Federal Reserve and trying to bring in silver backs. There seems to be one common denomiatore to these two assinations and the attempted on Jackson the fed.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 05:29 AM

Originally posted by vermonster
reply to post by Rising Against

Your entire OP is untrue.

It is the mainstream HIS-STORY taught at the Rockefeller founded Universities.....

im curious, you state that the entire OP was untrue, can you enlighten me to were you read this? and back up what you came to be so. not taking a dig, just curious

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

Yep, another awesome thread

Wow, you are defo into dead assassinated Presidents, now Bobby Kennedy would be an interesting one to do next.

Keep up the incredible research baby !!


posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by Rising Against
Here's an interesting article from '' discussing some of the possible conspiracies surrounding the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Some may find it to be a nice read.

Abraham Lincoln Assassination Conspiracies

That article is jam packed full of baloney-filler... is an online source for original information and advice. It is written in English, and is aimed primarily at North Americans. It is owned by The New York Times Company.[2][3]

oh, i see why....i need a grain of salt or two if i'm goin to take anything they say

.....know what i'm saying?

Booth and his gang of 'conspirators' were nothing more than mere patsies.

Just ask The Greatest Historian of the 20th century, Eustace Mullins:

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 05:26 PM
It is true about Booth being a papist and an agent for the Vatican. The South begged the Pope via Jeff Davis, to send funds. They were beholden to the granted lands of the Kings and their religio conspirators. Thank God Lincoln rose up to defeat them. If they had succeeded, they would have sewn slavery throughout the US and condemned us to hundreds of years of war and desolation.

Yes, Lincoln was killed by the Jesuits. This conspiracy began in Vienna, where the monarchical (read: Holy Roman) powers of Europe established that, any opposition to them, warranted death. As many people may know, Albert Pike was a soldier of the German queen Victoria, so it is a Germanic Holy Romanic sort of assery, which these people participated in. Queen Victoria and her agents of the South, failed in their quest to gain purchase in the US, and I would say they failed in their attempts 100 years later as well, when they used their self-hating Vienna Jew Adolf Shicklegruber, to settle the eastern jews in Palestine. Vienna is the source of such schemes.

what's funny is that these people inflate themselves into the "Holy Roman Empire" and they frame it how ever they like. But Jesus was not a Roman nor was he a friend of Rome. He didn't side with the Judean priests either. So I think that the way of Christ is the way of the loner, and the lover. And so I feel Lincoln is probably the greatest Christian of our time. Yes, he was a tyrant, but only to those who stood on the shoulders of other men, and who had a history of causing torture and inquisitions. He was a true hero and a true martyr, and was killed by fraudulent wolves who masquerade under the cloak of Christianity.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

Excellent thread, I have to say that it allowed me to discover so much more than I ever knew about this whole conspiracy.

I now hope someone can make a huge movie of this as it would be a block buster.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 09:41 PM
I do not know what is true. I have heard the official story that the OP so tirelessly provides. Thank you for that. I also have heard the bankers killed him, and the Jesuits. I do not know, and I do not know if we will ever know. All those involved are long dead.

My own doubts surround the ease at which Booth reached Lincoln. He was an actor. No one asked why he is trying to get into the Presidential box during the middle of a play?

At Garret farm a soldier guns down a trapped Booth after being expressly ordered not to. A whole cavalry detachment had surrounded the barn. What possible threat could several men be?

It seems to be too easy. That does not mean it did not happen like the traditional narrative. My spider sense just seems to tinkle like there is more to the story.

I think Lincoln's assassination was detrimental to the South. It ensured military reconstruction, and the immediate political enfranchisement of African-Americans. This led to reactionary groups like the early Ku Klux Klan, and later reactionary politics. I do not know if Lincoln could have healed the South, or eased a racially divided society into a new path. It is like any question of history. What if?

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by stephinrazin
This led to reactionary groups like the early Ku Klux Klan, and later reactionary politics.

After the death of Lincoln, many things happened that paid fruit decades later.

One of those, was Albert Pike being given the Scots Rite lodges of the USA, granted of course by Queen Victoria. So around 1887 as Grand Supremo of Scots Masonry in the USA, he collected all the "white brotherhood" little groups and formed the Ku Klux Klan and Jim Crow law network and all that South junk. So they basically killed Lincoln so they could get on with phase two. He stood up like a hero to ajduicate and prosecute the stupid Judge Dredd decision of the Supremes, and then he was killed, and evil picked right up after him.

Point is: The Klan was empowered by Holy Romanic Germanic forces, and that's where todays skinhead retards come from. It's funny to me that so many asshead racists adhere to Germany. They aren't Americans, Americans are red first and white second. So if the skinheads were being revolutionaries or Americans they'd wear feathers not German crosses. But frankly, as tribe members, who'd want them? Only Hitler types would want such soldiers, and even then Hitler would just use them for cannon fodder like he did with his own people.

At least Lincoln was fighting against the Pope and he died as a valiant martyr in that cause. Whereas Hitler and Napoleon were true tyrannical jerks, and they stupidly destroyed their own countries and wrecked their own grand armies. Lincoln was a titan with a heart of gold, compared to those two and their wannabe tyrant cousin, Albert Pike.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 09:56 AM
Wow, killed this thread as dead as Abe!

Anyhoo, notice the open threats against America made by house Rothschild prior to the war of 1812. They openly said they would ruin our country.

And so of course, when Lincoln needed to fight the slavery-Pope forces of the south, and he found that Rothschild wanted to repeat the old "arm both sides" game as is their nature, well, he got upset.

He got so upset that he did an amazing thing. He issues greenbacks, debt free currency. This enrages Rothschild further, and their agents who dug that rift across Kansas and west, and who fomented the civil war, the slaughtering of America's best and brightest.

So Lincoln, since he knocked the papists on their asses, and was then martyred by these defeated haters of humanity, is really the greatest "tyrant" ever. Anybody who hates on him, can come here and debate me. He preserved the union, and was killed before he could bring the indians into the fold and explain the 14th Amendment to them. The people who killed him, exterminated the indians and got the Rothschild bank established anyway. Then of course, these same ones gave us the bloodiest most satanic century ever, called "The 20th". Never before had death been engineered on such a grand scale as in WW1 and WW2 which were Rothschild inventions, and ritual sacrifices on a grand scale. So really the evidence is there, and this thread is just another useless scrap of truth which floats to the bottom and rots there. Embrace your slavery, because we never worked to understand the one dude who fought against it more than any other, Abraham Lincoln, true martyr and saint and master of true and good currency. Even now if his spirit would rise again, his action would be simple, he would disconnect us from the sucking leech of Rothschild and would raise up greenbacks again. It ain't hard, it's just that nobody has the balls anymore. A century of dumbing down and mass murder via warfare, has empowered Rothschild and their adherent occult families to the point where their wealth means nothing, only power has meaning when you are that "wealthy". So of course power corrupts, and yet we do not have any method to diagnose or identify corruption, except via lawyers, who as a group, are corrupt. Well except good lawyers like Lincoln and Lysander Spooner, but these are rare.

If Lincoln's spirit rises again, and the greenback comes back, will we understand why there are suddenly blue hat UN troops on our shores? Will we see history in the war of 1812 and the war of 1861? Will we ever identify the enemy of freedom? Eh, who cares right?

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 10:25 AM

Almost 30 years ago. a Lincoln conspiracy researcher died under strange causes. Then his car and storage units were ransacked and two people he shared info with ended up dead. If that's not enough, his death featured elements of kidnapping, government conspiracy, ghosts, psychics, and even UFOs- depending on what version of the story you choose to believe. The truth is muddled somewhere in between it all I suppose.

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