As i was reading this article i absolutely couldnt help slapping on my tinfoil hat.Did scientist really just discover this,or was it created?The
article states that the strain is now immune to antibiotics which does happen with viruses and diseases,but when i read that it is among the most
common of STDs a little red flag came up...I mean what better way to stop reproduction of all the morons in the world who dont have enough sense to
wear condoms than to create a currently untreatable STD? its just a theory but i believe that its reasonable..Heres the link to the article heres another from my local newspapers website
edit on 12-7-2011 by VicDiaz89
because: (no reason given)
All these diseases/virus' were/are bound to "evolve" and become resistant. Really scary world out there, thats why I settled myself down!
Sad world we live in, where someone you love can kill you because you made love.... So children, lesson for today is, stop being loose, or wrap it up
for petes sake!
Hey.. another Zonie! Actually it's not always spread by plain intercourse. Sometimes its spread through oral contact. That's the main way that many
prostttutes (not sure what words banned on forum) contract and spread it.
There was a story on the local Phoenix TV news the other day about a rise in gonorrhea cases in Maricopa County. Prime Time news. I only watched the
tail-end of it. I tried to look it up on the net, but am only coming up with a study about gonorrhea cases 50%-80% higher in Maricopa County jails.
Which is ridiculously high.
Having rates of 50%-80% higher than normal is ridiculous. Imagine how many stealth virus that are sexually transmitted are on the loose in Maricopa
County in addition to testable diseases like gonorrhea and chlamydia. Says a lot about cops ppimmping (not sure what words banned) in Maricopa
County. Rates like that don't happen unless there's a lot of cops from different cities (Phoenix, Scottsdale, Mesa, Tempe, Glendale, Chandler,
Buckeye, Youngtown & its 2-man police department with no internal affairs to investigate them, Sun City) along with county cops (MCSO) with their
hands in the cookie jar with regards to prostttution.
Don't think Tucson is as bad as Phoenix. There was even one prostttution ring that was cop ppimmped for over 20 years owned by Robert Zahara which
began its operations in the 1980s until 2004 or 2005. After Zahara- most cops became internet prostttution ppimmps.
How strange, I just stumbled across some mahoosive syringes they used to stick up yer japs eye to treat Gonorrhea on Ebay. Silly sod selling them had
no idea - I let him know.
Cos I'm nice like that..
edit on 2-8-2011 by Suspiria because: (no reason given)
Antibiotic resistance is not exclusive to these species. Adaptation has been going on for a while. Doctors were being warned against prescribing too
much, and too much of the same stuff, so as the bacteria has an opportunity to "discover" and adapt. Think about it as a military secret.
Now it's almost too late, although I'm sure folks in the labs are quite busy working on new chemicals to defeat this strain.
Damn that pesky thing, "evolution". Oh wait, was it the intelligent design?