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Elenin: A Different Perspective

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posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by 11I11
Surely NASA can aim a high powered telescope at Elenin and settle the debate once and for all!

Why would they bother tasking expensive space-based telescopes on a comet hat's not coming anywherenear us in order to appease a bunch of looney conspiracy theorists who, as others have pointed out, aren't going to believe tehm anyway?

as far as NASA is concerned there is nothing to debate - Elenin is well known, where it is going relative to Earth is well known - it is not going to hit earth, , it is not a space ship, it is not a source of massive gravity waves or anything else.

the only real question is whether it is going to be periodic, or is it going to leave the solar system forever - which probably isnt' very exciting to CTs'

And the latest photos, AFAIK, are here -
edit on 11-7-2011 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by 11I11
Surely NASA can aim a high powered telescope at Elenin and settle the debate once and for all!

The SECCHI team requests to roll the Behind spacecraft by 135 degrees for two hours per day each day between Aug 1 (or late on Sep 31) and Aug 12 to observe comet Elenin as it flies within 0.05 AU of the spacecraft. Observations of the comet at a wide variety of phase angles will provide information about composition. There’s also a possibility that the in situ instruments on Behind will see the ion tail.

The requested two hours per day will include the roll and settle times, with the roll starting on an even hour boundary, and then back to nominal roll and settled on the next even hour boundary. A more detailed plan will be sent to APL (Applied Physics Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University).

The test of the roll maneuver to observe Comet Elenin from Behind is expected to be scheduled sometime in week 29 (July 18-24).

Do you think it will hush up the doom and gloomers?

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

which probably isnt' very exciting to CTs'

And there you have it. Its not very exciting to CT's. But this group of people have decided it should be exciting for whatever reason. Thanks for throwing in your thoughts.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by Urantia1111

is it impossible that they actually believe?

Not impossible at all. I just see red flags everywhere when these people are involved. Thanks for your thoughts.

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 04:33 AM

the only real question is whether it is going to be periodic, or is it going to leave the solar system forever

C/2010 X1 Elenin is almost certainly a new arrival from the Oort Cloud. In other words, this is its first visit to the planetary region of the Solar System. However, perturbations from Saturn (2.66AU in December 2008) and Jupiter (2.40AU in December 2012) will reduce the orbital period to roughly 11800 years. Therefore, it will still be a long period comet, but it will return.

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by Mogget

I know right now it still has an eccentricity of over 1 and currently the JPL still have it labeled as a hyperbolic comet. However, there is still some time before perihelion for this to change.

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 03:09 PM
The eccentricity of 1.00006298 that is quoted in the JPL Small Bodies Database is relative to the centre of the Sun. However, objects beyond the outer planets orbit the Solar System barycentre. This is the centre of mass of the entire Solar System, and it is not the same as the centre of the Sun. That's because the giant planets (particularly Jupiter and Saturn) perturb the Sun as they move around it, and cause it to move away from the centre of mass of the Solar System by as much as 700,000 kms (an entire solar radius).

In short, the orbit of C/2010 X1 Elenin is not hyperbolic. It is a very long period ellipse, and the size of this ellipse will be reduced further after the shallow perturbation from Jupiter in December 2012.
edit on 12-7-2011 by Mogget because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 12:21 AM
A interesting, and yet refreshing look into this phenomena. Although it is still within reason that this"space craft" or "object placed in artificial orbit" can destroy earth, at least it's a different take on the matter. Anything but a browndwarf and I'm happy.

If it is indeed a space craft, I can understand the cover up. I mean, it is one thing for the government to say aliens are real and we've been dealing with them for sometime, but it's another to say there is a huge fleet of alien crafts coming or way. I can just imagine the chaos that would in sue
edit on 13-7-2011 by 12thHelix because: removed op's quoted message

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by 12thHelix

Kind of reminds one of the series "The Event" doesn't it. The last episode in particular.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 09:33 AM
Further to my last post about the orbit of C/2010 X1 Elenin, here is a link to a website with orbital data for this comet (courtesy of Syuichi Nakano).....

The important figures to note are the four at the bottom of the first set of elements. These are "e", "1/a", "origin", and "future" respectively.

"e" is the eccentricity of the orbit, calculated with the Sun as the centre of mass.
"a" is the semi major axis of the orbit (the central point of the longest axis of the ellipse).
"origin" is the value 1/a before the comet entered the planetary region of the Solar System, with the Solar System barycentre as the centre of mass.
"future" is the value 1/a after the comet has left the planetary region, and once again enters the realm of barycentric motion.

Please note that the value "1/a" is a negative number. This shows that the orbit (based on the Sun as the centre of mass) is very slightly hyperbolic. However, the Sun is not the centre of mass of the Solar System, so this figure is misleading. It is the "origin" and "future" values of 1/a that are important when studying the motion of a long period comet.

The "origin" value of 1/a is given as 0.00002, and this equates to a semi major axis of 50,000AU. This also means that aphelion (furthest distance from the Sun) is roughly 100,000AU, or 1.6 light years!! This is why the experts have concluded that C/2010 X1 Elenin is almost certainly a first time visitor from the Oort Cloud.

Now, you will notice that the "future" value of 1/a is larger than the "origin" value, and this gives us a semi major axis of only 521AU (and a period of roughly 11900 years). This is due to perturbations from the planets, although most of the "damage" is done by those two shallow encounters mentioned at the top of the page (Saturn in December 2008, and Jupiter in December 2012).

I hope that this explanation makes sense

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by Apokalypsis

I would like to say that you have done your homework and you concerns and thoughts are more than justified.

While I have had ample time to ponder these same concerns and more, I am going to share with and others the concerns that bother me 24/7.

Any comet or object that could be under intelligent control should be viewed in other than just Aliens or Jesus coming back to save humanity from all chaos and destruction that is expected to occur with Comet Elenin, YU55, Comet Levy, Comet Honda and all the other concerns soon to be experienced.

I question the intelligent control aspect because there is talk that Comet Elenin could be a remote controlled drone controlled by unknown forces. Well, it is this small conspiracy theory has kept me up at nights thinking, because even I can see why others are thinking this object is under intelligent control.

I contend for the sake of discussion that the NWO possesses time travel technologies, other propulsion secret technologies and many secrets that we the American public are not aware of. Considering how long the NWO elite have had to prepare for Comet Elenin, Nibiru, Planet X or whatever is coming, could in my opinion be the grand deception that is needed by the NWO crowd to deceive mankind.

I say grand deception, because any group such as the NWO elite with their secret anti gravity crafts and secret sciences could have intentionally sent for this alien controlled craft to arrive based on a schedule designed by the NWO crowd to arrive in conjunction with some comet in order to deceive the masses, create mass fear and prepare the minds of the American public to believe a big lie that the government has yet to spring on us.

I say this because of the key 09-11-11 perihelion date of Comet Elenin with our sun and the 11-09-11 date given for when asteroid YU55 is due to come so close to earth, many think it will impact. Bear in mind that 11-09-11 is also the date that our federal government has scheduled an emergency test of the EAS system.

How convenient and how timely. I would also add that Sept 29th is also a date that has been known for some time and which in my opinion is timed to Revelations 1 where the virgin gives birth to the beast as seen in the sky map of Virgo, Leo and the objects coming our way.

I mention this because of the dates mentioned and the fact that I don't believe in coincidences dealing with 911 dates. Such information forces me to consider things that perhaps I never would have thought had things been totally different in scope.

I concern myself with this wild theory because something tells me what is coming is already known to TPTB and its arrival has been planned with great effort and with great expense. Many are seeing this possible concern and are suspecting as much.

Any secret NWO group with the secret science and secret crafts could have communicated with some known alien group long ago to arrive here at a prescribed time frame in order to affect the move to their NWO and to eliminate as much of humanity in the process since they feel the world is over populated and smaller population numbers make control easier for the NWO crowd to control.

In order for this grand deception to work, Comet Elenin or whatever is coming has to be real, a danger and perhaps a true ELE incident. Only in such a way can the NWO then sell the lie that the incoming intelligent control craft is our only hope to save humanity from itself.

While some think that the aliens coming is in fact Jesus returning, I don't think this is the case, but if it is sold to the public as possible, then what is going on could be the setting of a stage for the grand deception whereby we humans think that these aliens have come to save humanity, when in fact they have come to enslave and or harvest humans while pretending to be benevolent beings come to save mankind.

Much about all the recent comet activity, solar activity, earthquake activity that appears contrived, created by man on earth to worsen existing conditions while preparing the humans with fear of total annihilation that only these incoming aliens that can save us.

I know this may sound worrisome, but to me to not think about it would be insane not to think that TPTB could be pulling the grand Trixy of all time on all of humanity at a time when we need someone, something to save us from all the destruction that has been prepared for humanity.

Anyway, time will tell and for me that time frame has already begun. The next notable time frame when we will see first hand if the NWO has been lying to us is when Comet Elenin passes closest to our sun on 09-11-11. Such a passing is expected to cause major CME solar flares which will effect all of planet earth as we move into late September and early October when Comet Elenin is due to be closet to earth.

It is in October that we could begin to pass through the debris tail vs the gaseous tail and so, if we make it to November 09-11 when asteroid YU55 could impact earth, then the build up and the days leading up to 11-09-11 are going to be days filled with many dangers and earth effects from such a passing.

It is during this key period of chaos and fear that we could find out that Comet Elenin or whatever is a craft from another world come to save humanity.

If and when the government begins asking us to board the space ships, I hope these thoughts ring through your head and that perhaps, such an action is the grand deception from prophecy in the bible.

To be allowed on the space craft, we must first submit to some chip for identification purposes. At least that is what it will be sold as and in reality, this could be the alien minions of Satan gathering as many humans under deception and a willingness to board the ships in order to flee from an earth that will be destroyed in some major planetary ELE.

While I have faith in something bigger, it is this recent Comet Elenin and earth changes that all appear to be planned with great detail and with a timing that leads to specific dates used by the NWO crowd that worships Lucifer and uses his numerology in the many blood rituals that they perform in his name.

Think about it, but in September we will be shown a sign of what is to come. Pay attention and by all means consider options outside of the box and take anything the government tells us with a grain of salt.

Thinking outside of the box may be the only way of seeing the grand deception and so I would ask that you and others keep this concern in mind when we begin to start seeing conditions worsen here on earth in the days and weeks before possible impact of YU55 which will be needed to help sell the get off of earth ploy.

Lastly, I would say that this recent group of researchers and authors do nothing in my opinion but muck up the already muddy waters and promote themselves so as to sell some book, CD pack or some subscription to some site where making money is the only concern for these types.

Hoagland and the rest of the profiteers show themselves for what they are, and anyone who thinks this crowd is promoting information for the benefit of humanity is deluded. I don't trust them because their only motivation is making the money first even while evidence clearly shows that we are headed to a possible ELE.

With that type of motivation, I can do without their remarks and or expected repeating of remarks made by others regarding our situation and our future dangers.

Thank you for taking the time to consider these thoughts and concerns.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by MaxBlack

The only people who are saying that Comet Elenin is dangerous are conspiracy theorists. The evil powers that be are pretty much ignoring it altogether.

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