posted on Aug, 12 2004 @ 10:25 PM
Amen to that. America and Iraq are not in conflict over land, and it is generally understood that America intends to withdraw its troops. We are seen
as imperialist puppet masters out to control their economy and gain influence over their neighbors, but at least we aren't seen as genocidal racists,
which is the nature of the extremists on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
If America cracked down on the Mexican border we would find ourselves in an interesting variation of the early Israeli-Palestinian scenario. The
Mexican side actually represents the analog to the Zionist movement- returning to an area they once controlled and gaining influence in hope of one
day separating. The United States would represent a much stronger analog to the Palestinian side, and at least for the near future, will be easily
capable of putting down any Mexican seperatist movement.
I've never considered myself a racist, but I can tell you that Atzlan is a seriously raw nerve with white working people in areas where Mexicans are
the majority. If local governments lost too much power, it is remotely possible that there would eventually be militia violence on both sides.