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Anonymous - Good deeds.

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posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:00 AM
After lurking ATS for many months I've noticed that there are a few Anonymous haters out there, many of whom have no idea the good Anonymous has brought into the world. Here are a few examples of the joy Anon can bring to others.

(Not my video, I personally didn't save the cat, nor did the uploader)

Kenny Glenn, a sociopath teenage dweeb, posing under the name of "Timmy," posted videos of himself beating his pet cat on Youtube. This angered the 4chan and 7chan crowd immensely, prompting them to discover his personal information and pass the evidence on to authorities in true vigilante fashion.

At the time of the incident I was browsing the home of Anonymous and watched others as they worked their hearts out to give aid to those who couldn't help themselves, the true meaning behind Anonymous.


My personal favorite of the good deeds.

William Lashua’s Birthday is a flash mob campaign organized by 4chan’s Anonymous contingent to celebrate the 90th birthday of William Lashua, a World War II veteran who resides in Ashburnham, MA.

When the first post was made, it showed the "wanted" picture next to a call to Anonymous that if he was going to be alone on his birthday and asking for anyone to come, then we were going to make sure he got the celebration he deserved. The threads to follow were filled with "okay I bought Bill Lashua a giant $20 birthday card" and "I have $50 to spend; what on Amazon would be a good gift for a veteran?". There were even Anonymous from Europe and Asia complaining how the gifts they had sent wouldn't be delivered in time.

Anonymous had pulled together to help one person, who they believed to be lonely, have the best 90th birthday they could supply.

I know that this thread may still not change the way some of you look at Anonymous, but do realize that Anon has done some amazing things in its history. If you truly think these acts are pointless, then perhaps the internet is not for you. Much love.
edit on 11-7-2011 by Darkeligos because: Youtube

edit on 11-7-2011 by Darkeligos because: Youtube

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by Darkeligos

Alright, I will acknowledge that anonymous has good intention at heart since the CIA and Intelligence want to create a system like China where people can be identified. There record has shown them to be taking actions for the better of humanity and besides, anonymous can be any good Samaritan stranger.

S & F

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by Darkeligos
A large part of their current reputation is a confused perception of association between Anonymous,AnonOps, 4Chan, LulzSec and others. Mainly this is due to confusion and a lack of understanding by the media that reports about such group. In their eyes for the most part anything and everything done in the "hacking" community is done by Anonymous.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:45 AM
A few good deeds is not going to make up for the loss of freedom on the internet that likley to be the end result of Anonymous and other so called hacktivism groups stirring up trouble

To affect change you have to stand up and be counted not hide in the shadows.
edit on 11-7-2011 by PhoenixOD because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 06:01 AM
What's with this flood of people making threads about how good Anonymous is? This is seriously at least the 20th one I have seen so far today. Is this a new Anon op or something?

About 5 of those threads that were started today, were all people claiming to be part of the Anonymous group. Luckily, the mods have been removing them as fast as they are popping up.

Even more weird, is all of these threads had the same style of topic. "Anonymous - blahblah"
Not attacking you personally, just an observation.

Now for my rant as a scenario about the Anonymous group.
Anon: We have downloaded all information, let's start the DoS/DDoS attack now.
Corp: Looks like our website is being attacked. No need to test our security now, someone is doing it for free!
Anon: Ok, let's contact someone in the corporation to start discussion of our attack in an IRC chat room.
Corp: Hello? Your who? Your willing to discuss not leaking some of the information and all I we to do is talk to you in an IRC chat room? Ok!
Anon: Make a large donation to us and we won't leak certain e-mails.
IRCguest: No! (starts chanting) Donate to the Bradley Manning fund!
..after a few minutes...
Anon: Ok, donate to Bradley Manning!
... a bunch more chat that ends in the corporation doing nothing, but recording the conversation, which they don't even have too, since Anon posts it all over the internet...
Anon: Now call the MSM and let them know of our work!
Corp: Thanks to the group, we have made our servers more secure, received free national publicity, and are now receiving loads of traffic.
Anon: We win! Spread the word about how awesome we are!

What's funny is.. My IRC part of the story, is true. Just check out the HBGary IRC log of it (available all over the `net). It's a mile long, but interesting on how their minds work. I only point this out because of the last few Anon threads that popped up and talked about how they never ask for money, yet their own logs show different.

PS: lulzsec is Anonymous. AnonOp is Anonymous.
Lulzsec Hackers Tied to Anonymous..

...and for AnonOp, just look no further than their blog's title.
AnonOps Communications
We are fighters for internet freedom. This site is only dedicated to reporting news about Anonymous.

edit on 7/11/2011 by digitalbluco because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 06:08 AM
Oh yes the CIA I mean Anon is known far and wide for their good deeds. All anon is good for is to let the government know what dissidents to pick up when Marshall law is enacted.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 06:11 AM
Project Chanology...

Not necessarily a good deed, but it can be seen as something "good" as Anonymous was fighting against Scientology in reaction to what happened. One can see this as a good deed because its humane what Anonymous was doing, protesting against something bad that happened.

But in Project Chanology one can also see the DDoS attacks, black faxes, phone calls, mails etc. as an act of vandalism for instance...

Its just on how you look at it...

Anonymous against Sony for instance...
Failoverflow got caught...

they where distributing information that resulted into piracy, which is illegal.
Anonymous shut down the PS3 store with DDoS attacks and stole personal data from Sony employees...
The data theft of 70+ million people was however not really claimed by Anonymous, but could have been a result of Anonymous actions.

So Anonymous reacted in a crimefull manner on a court trial by Sony against people failoverflow.
Anonymous' good deed is nowhere to be seen in this one...

In the end, the bad deeds overshadow the good ones.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 06:31 AM
Dont assume anything about Anon.
Anon is not just a bunch of 'hackers' and 'ddos' kiddies. Most of what anon is are people like you or me, hacking? i can't do that. I dont have the knowledge or the smarts to do that. Neither do most of the people in Anon.

Could it be CIA? who knows. show me some proof.

Internet censorship will have come regardless of if anon had done anything at all. Hackers have been around for AGES before this happened. Believe it or not, cyber attacks happened on a daily basis. You just didn't know because the MSM said nothing, and there was no 'public face' to it. Now any cyber attack can be attributed to Anon. The MSM is twisting the story to fit their own means.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 06:34 AM
See the thing about how anonymous works, is everyone is anonymous, so you don't know who is really suggesting something.
A random anon has an idea, if others think its a good idea, they commence with their goings-on. One attack wont necessarily have the same people as another attack.
Again was just some anonymous stranger's idea. So you're going to have bad things that happen and good things. Just depends on who's participating, whoever happens to be online.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 07:06 AM

Originally posted by martianmallow
See the thing about how anonymous works, is everyone is anonymous, so you don't know who is really suggesting something.
A random anon has an idea, if others think its a good idea, they commence with their goings-on. One attack wont necessarily have the same people as another attack.
Again was just some anonymous stranger's idea. So you're going to have bad things that happen and good things. Just depends on who's participating, whoever happens to be online.

I completely agree with that...

And I think most of the times the people who are joining aint got a clue what they are doing when it comes down to "real attacks" such as DDoS'ing... They just try to join in order to be able to say that they where participating without thinking about possible reactions...

In the end there's people who know what they are doing, and for the largest part there are anons who don't know what they are doing and just want to be part of "the lulz".

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by Slivoh

Originally posted by martianmallow
See the thing about how anonymous works, is everyone is anonymous, so you don't know who is really suggesting something.
A random anon has an idea, if others think its a good idea, they commence with their goings-on. One attack wont necessarily have the same people as another attack.
Again was just some anonymous stranger's idea. So you're going to have bad things that happen and good things. Just depends on who's participating, whoever happens to be online.

I completely agree with that...

And I think most of the times the people who are joining aint got a clue what they are doing when it comes down to "real attacks" such as DDoS'ing... They just try to join in order to be able to say that they where participating without thinking about possible reactions...

In the end there's people who know what they are doing, and for the largest part there are anons who don't know what they are doing and just want to be part of "the lulz".

Anon is just as much Anti-troll as ATS is.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 09:06 AM
When people open a thread dedicated to Anonymous, I think they should get charged with an advertising fee.

Anonymous is getting notoriety through free advertising. Above Top Secret is being used to solicit the group's propaganda, agenda, hacking events, and enrollment.

I did not sign up to hear about a hacker organization.
edit on 7/11/2011 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by PhoenixOD

A few good deeds is not going to make up for the loss of freedom on the internet that likley to be the end result of Anonymous and other so called hacktivism groups stirring up trouble

That is some of the most backward doublespeak ever.

You're against abolishing freedom on the internet YET you are against the group expressing REAL freedom(and this is a first in all of human evolution) on the internet, because you believe them expressing that freedom will cause the authorities to shut down said freedom.

Ever think that your quarrel is with the authorities and not Anon?

Man some of you are really disillusioned. I don't blame ya though.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by Section31

You've posted this exact post in other threads. I didn't sign up to read your spam.

So, I guess we all just have to live and let live.
edit on 11-7-2011 by Malcram because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by Malcram

Good point.

I have taken another course of action to deal with this issue.

edit on 7/11/2011 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 11:03 AM
Please add to THIS existing thread on anonymous. Do not need more than one thread.


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