posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 02:50 AM
A couple of years ago when i was 16 i had something very strange happen.At the time i was a dumb teenager from a bad neighborhood,and was really into
black magic and satanic stuff.So anyways one evening it was cloudy and windy and i was on pain meds,i decided to perform a ritual that was suppose to
allow me to speak with spirits,so i performed the ritual which consisted of some chants,blood and an insignia burned into the earth..I completed the
ritual,sucked down another pain med and suddenly became tired and extremely weak.I fell asleep in my room,(i was living with my bro at the time
BTW)and i remember to this very moment what i dreamt about,i was wandering through my bro's house and these "ghosts" or spirits of his dogs that
have died there,also,a spirit of his neighbor who died the year before and my mothers spirit were all lunging towards me but they would just pass
through me,and everytime they would do that i would feel like a shock or something.
(see next post)