posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 11:10 PM
Now please hear me out because I really don't have a solution to the Global Economic meltdown that is occurring. But can't the world's government
take a step back, deep breath and say that the whole economy mess can be solved by working together. This is a man made disaster not a natural
disaster. The whole thing can be and should be worked out. It's not like it's an earthquake/tsunami in Japan, a tornado in Alabama or Mississippi,
an Earthquake in Chirstchurch NZ, flooding of the Mississippi, flooding in China and etc... you get where I'm going. We are talking about something
that most people can not see or even fathom. Millions, billions and trillions of dollars. Money has been and will be a make believe material that
really has not value at all. It sad on one hand and incredible on another that as a human race we can solve a problem such as Apollo 13 that is stuck
in space with limited options to get home. But guess what with tape and a lot of ingenuity we bring everyone home. We need the smartest and brightest
human beings to step up to the plate and figure this economy out to fix it.