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The flying car is finally 'road legal'

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posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by PhoenixOD

great for the mobile terrorist lol also one way of putting a finger up to them tsa agents, $200 000 that is probably cheap for a terrorist organisation lol

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by Hessdalen

That was the first thing i thought when i saw the op"why not a flying helicopter car! be so cool.... probably get better mpg then my current POS

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by bauldrick
reply to post by PhoenixOD

great for the mobile terrorist lol also one way of putting a finger up to them tsa agents, $200 000 that is probably cheap for a terrorist organisation lol

lols aside thats actually a good point the msn has always said how a bomb can be made from household products.and there latest scare is "home grown" terrorists so what to stop a well funded terrorist from loading up one of these from homemade explosives and crashing in a crowded public place? if its as bad as they say we should of had alot more incidents but thankfully its not as bad as the say.
edit on 9-7-2011 by Bixxi3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by Bixxi3

I'll be honest saw the title and that was the first thing that came into my head without even looking first so if I can see this potential floor then a terrorist could surprised they allowed this espeacialy in the prision country well fast becoming I live england so am just an outsider looking in anyway all this war on terror is propoganda and lies intentional spreading of fear by TPTB but I wonder what the payload would be ?

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by Bixxi3

Originally posted by bauldrick
reply to post by PhoenixOD

great for the mobile terrorist lol also one way of putting a finger up to them tsa agents, $200 000 that is probably cheap for a terrorist organisation lol

lols aside thats actually a good point the msn has always said how a bomb can be made from household products.and there latest scare is "home grown" terrorists so what to stop a well funded terrorist from loading up one of these from homemade explosives and crashing in a crowded public place? if its as bad as they say we should of had alot more incidents but thankfully its not as bad as the say.
edit on 9-7-2011 by Bixxi3 because: (no reason given)

Luckily there is no such thing as terrorists. If there were, they would have thought of this a long time ago and done it. Since, you know, airplanes are not exactly anything new.

Somehow, these "terrorist masterminds" only did it ONE TIME. And luckily for them, NORAD STOOD DOWN that day for some reason. And, even more luckily, they blew up some highly insured buildings, instead of something like the Capitol when Congress was in session, you know, getting some of the $&^% that they hate.....

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by PhoenixOD

All those crash videos sure looked like no one got hurt. So what's the problem? Wanna see some car crash videos? They crash like ten times as often. Oh wait, that's usually OPERATOR ERROR.

Here's an autogyro or gyrocopter with the engine out....go to about 2:00 on the vid if you're in a hurry...

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

Originally posted by PhoenixOD
At least with a plane when the motor goes wrong you have some small chance of gliding to a safe landing. Gyros and choppers just drop out of the sky.

I watched the videos but supposedly and [I'm no chopper pilot so I wouldn't know for sure] but there is a technique that when a choppers engine cuts out to have a controlled crash landing which is [supposedly for trained pilot in that technique] pretty safe to do.

Maybe someone here at ATS with experience and knows what I'm talking about could chime in to clarify.

edit on 9-7-2011 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

Both of those chopper crashes looked like tail rotor failure, which I understand is usually a devastating problem for a helicopter. It can't autorotate then.

Now, I'm no expert on this stuff, I have just recently been getting into the idea of an autogyro or gyrocopter and have been researching it alot.

I know several pilots, and all the fixed wing guys say, "You'd never get me up in one of them fling wing deathtraps" and the helo guys all say the helo is safer than a plane cause you can autorotate.

However, without the tail rotor a helo will start spinning around and you are doomed. Apparently this is the advantage of the gyrocopter. According to all the gyrocopter enthusiasts, the gyrocopter is much safer than either a plane or a helo.

In a plane, yes, it can glide a little bit, but unless you happen to be right over a BIG clear area, you are done. Can't glide into the trees, you know. Or mountains.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 05:53 PM
Anyone else noticed when in flight mode, they had to tie down the steering wheel with just a.... rope.....

Crying out loud stop wasting your time and money on "flying" cars. Put it into anit gravity research!

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 06:39 PM
# that, I want a flying saucer that is capable of interdimentinal travel.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by hounddoghowlie
reply to post by 2manyquestions

because it's not exactly, a lear or even a cessna now is it. which is all about aircraft. no automobile issues to worry about. plus you would have to get it inspected twice, once for highway once for air. and then i'm sure there are other things that haven't come to mind yet.

There are going to be problems with any new technology. Those are kinks that people slowly work out. No invention or innovation is ever perfect straight out of the box. Inspections? So what? We go for smog, for oil changes, for maintenance, what's one more? Maybe car mechanics will eventually come to learn the flight components as well, so that everything can get done in one visit. If not, once enough people in the future own cars such as this there will be shops opening up catering specifically to these flying cars.

they already have small airstrips at the edge of town all over, i live just 5 miles from one town is only 8 miles.

Great. One less thing to worry about!

and i'm sure those that already have a air plane already avoid waiting in a airport for 2 hrs or driving 6 to 8 hours by going to their plane at the little airports outside of town. and if the scenario you are talking about, was to play out our skies would soon look like our highways in grid lock during rush hour, or some holiday weekend.

I foresee this technology becoming a lot cheaper and more accessible than owning one's own airplane. You don't have to store it at the airport, you can fuel up with unleaded gasoline, you can land on the freeway and drive the rest of the way in case of emergency or bad weather, it is small enough to store in small spaces. The advantages are plenty compared to an actual airplane.

now this craft is nothing new as far as making a flying car, how many examples have we seen in just this thread that have come before this one. just a different design to the same idea.

It may not be an original idea, but it's the first airplane car to be considered road and flight worthy at the same time. All those others either didn't deliver, or they were not anywhere near as practical as this one is.

my idea of imagination, is something that no one else has done before, and it doesn't cause any new or existing problems that are not beneficial advances for the human race.

Sorry, but I guess you don't think it took imagination to make computers or phones smaller, cars lighter, more powerful and more fuel-efficient, flat screen TVs, etc. etc. etc. You do realize that every luxury you're enjoying at the moment had a slow beginning once upon a time until someone with an imagination decided to make it better, right?

As for causing problems,.... a knife for example caused both problems and offered solutions. Would you rather have a world without knives, because you think it causes problems as far as stabbings go? Every advantage has it's disadvantage. Good problem-solving skills is what it will take to make the most of anything.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 11:22 PM
Problem is, you will still need an airport as mentioned to take off with this one. Pretty worthless IMO.

I´m surprised no one have mentioned the moller skycar yet,

These guys have been working on a REAL vtol skycar for over 20 years, looks much more interesting that this plane hybrid.

With the moller you are supposed to be able to take off everywhere, even from the middle of a trafic jam. Now THATS interesting...

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by PhoenixOD

All planes are flying cars because they can all fly and drive like a car. As the information provided by the OP states, this isn't something new, the only thing new is that this specific vehicle can be legally driven in public roads.

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by NeoVain

Originally posted by NeoVain
Problem is, you will still need an airport as mentioned to take off with this one. Pretty worthless IMO.

I´m surprised no one have mentioned the moller skycar yet,

These guys have been working on a REAL vtol skycar for over 20 years, looks much more interesting that this plane hybrid.

With the moller you are supposed to be able to take off everywhere, even from the middle of a trafic jam. Now THATS interesting...

I agree the Moller sky car looks amazing. But its just a dream...

The picture looks promising..

But as you can see in the video it has to be tied to a crane just to get it 10-15 feet off the ground safley.

The only flight demonstrations have been hover tests performed in 2003 by a Skycar prototype that for insurance reasons was tethered to a crane. The ongoing failure of the Moller company to actually fly an M400 led the National Post to characterize the Skycar as a 'failure', and to describe the Moller company as "no longer believable enough to gain investors".

Its a real shame the Paul Moller has totaly failed to get a flying car to market for 40 years now. I guess looking great isnt good enough...

In October 2006, Moller attempted to auction the only prototype of its M400 model on eBay. It failed to sell. The highest bid was $3,000,100; Dr. Moller reported at the annual meeting of stockholders on October 21, 2006 in Davis, California that the reserve price had been $3,500,000. A previous attempt in 2003 to sell the M400 via eBay was also unsuccessful.

Wiki source

Like i said in the OP the Terrafugia Transition isnt a VTOL but at least it works and is only going to be $200,000

To be honest i dont think we are ever going to get the VTOL flying car that we all want, its just not practical with current technology. The amount of downforce the would be created to lift a vehicle into the air is so great it would blow anyone standing close enough off their feet and destroy anything not nailed down. Maybe one day when we get our hands on some true anti-grav technology. But until then i think this idea belongs in the comic books.

edit on 10-7-2011 by PhoenixOD because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by NeoVain
Problem is, you will still need an airport as mentioned to take off with this one. Pretty worthless IMO.

I´m surprised no one have mentioned the moller skycar yet,

These guys have been working on a REAL vtol skycar for over 20 years, looks much more interesting that this plane hybrid.

With the moller you are supposed to be able to take off everywhere, even from the middle of a trafic jam. Now THATS interesting...

You are short-sighted if you think this flying car is worthless. It's the beginning to something incredible.

The Moller Skycar may look great, it's got the right idea as far as take-off goes, but the reason nobody is paying attention to it in this thread is because it's far off from being a production model. I have yet to see it do anything else besides hover in one place. The OP presented an airplane car you can purchase, legally drive on the highway, park in front of your garage, and fly off from any nearby airport. Although it has a $200,000 price tag, there are many people who can afford to buy it at that price. It works!

posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 07:12 PM
This thing is awesome! it's time to make $200,000 i think ..CLEAR PROP!!!!!!!

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by CaptChaos

Now, I'm no expert on this stuff, I have just recently been getting into the idea of an autogyro or gyrocopter and have been researching it alot.

I know several pilots, and all the fixed wing guys say, "You'd never get me up in one of them fling wing deathtraps" and the helo guys all say the helo is safer than a plane cause you can autorotate.

However, without the tail rotor a helo will start spinning around and you are doomed. Apparently this is the advantage of the gyrocopter. According to all the gyrocopter enthusiasts, the gyrocopter is much safer than either a plane or a helo.

In a plane, yes, it can glide a little bit, but unless you happen to be right over a BIG clear area, you are done. Can't glide into the trees, you know. Or mountains.

I'd rather be in a gliding aircraft than an auto-rotating helicopter - both work on the same principles, but in my opinion an aircraft has more options because invariably it will have a better glide ratio than a helicopter.

See the cases of Air Canada Flight 143, a Boeing 767 that ran out of fuel and glided into a closed airfield, and Air Transat Flight 236, an Airbus A330 that ran out of fuel and glided 65 miles to land at a military base.

There is always somewhere to put a plane down safely - see the A320 going into the Hudson River. In a plane, you have more options...

I have no idea why a "helicopter guy" would say that they would rather have autorotation, as with autorotation you lose the benefit of a helicopter - the hover. You need the forward motion of the helicopter in order to sustain an autorotation, otherwise you lose your lift.

So in other words, you become a glider - and as I said before, an aircraft is going to have a better glide ratio than a helicopter. I know where I would rather be...

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 01:55 PM
I bet speed humps would wreck that car, also if you were in a car crash they would have to cut you out of that with a bean can opener!
edit on 11-7-2011 by LUXUS because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 02:03 PM
I would not want my house to hit a flying car.
any security guarantees in the airspace. they are not.
to road accidents, will also air crash.
yes, and the cost is big. probably buy Abromovich or Bill Gates

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:38 PM
This thing is the way of the future, FAR better than this lame flying car:

This is patented, which means it DOES WORK.

Reading an entire patent is tiresome, but if you just look at the diagrams for the design you will get the idea. It is an INTERNAL WING aircraft, looks like George Jetson's car, can do VTOL as well. It's awesome. If I win the lottery or come into a big chunk of change somehow I am going to build one! Check it out, it is SO cool.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Hessdalen
you want - you loose...i loose

but i thing the gyrocoptercar is much better because you can make a vertical start

edit on 9-7-2011 by Hessdalen because: mindcontrol

thats simply not true
You need horizontal acceleration in order to move the upper blades. thats why you can perform a safe land, even if the rear motor fails. It starts and lands with forward movement.

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