Originally posted by intrepid
The Kyoto Accord is an internation pact set out to lower the amount of "greenhouse gases" in the atmosphere. Global warming is a growing threat to
us as a species. The US emits more of these gases than the rest of the world combined.
The Kyoto treaty is flawed, it harms developed nations while supporting the polluting developing nations, India and China to name several.
It incorporates a theory into a legal law or force, the whole theory of global warming is still debatable, it still is not written in stone.
Aside from that, the answer to pollution problems is not regulations, but the free market, and simple economics. If oil prices rise drastically,
(seeing how gasoline engines are the main point of blame in CO2) there will be a large incentive to find a cheaper alternative.
What that alternative is, I do not know, if I did I would be a billionaire when it happens. Even so, the inventor may be you, or your neighbor; the
free market is a complex, amazing mechanism.
Say your city almost all people smoke, and the city imposes a smoking ban in all existing restaurants and bars, but leaves an exemption for new bars
and restaurants.
What happens to the existing businesses?
...new businesses?
Sadly, this is exactly what the Kyoto treaty does, it requires all existing bars and restaurant (USA, EU, Aust.) to ban/restrict smoking (large
commerce), yet allows new bars and restaurants (China, India, and other developing countries) to allow smoking (large commerce).
Q: Where are the smokers going to go? (Assuming they smoke at bars/restaurants)
A: The new businesses (developing countries),.
If you think theres a exodus of jobs in America now, imagine if the Kyoto treaty was ratified!