Sorry, after reading this thread, glancing a minute at the photograph and whatnot I had to finally join the forums.
I've been doing this stuff for years and years now. Want proof? Give me a project, pay me, and I'll do whatever you like.
Anyways, there are so many inconsistencies here that I cringe a little bit. Let me first off just say that if you do tell us its a hoax later on, I'll
nod my head and say it was not a bad job.
But, first off, there are more than 2 photos actually merged here. 3, maybe 4 even. First the image of Ohio girl, second, the photo of the ghost girl
behind her, third, the face that takes up the entire right side of the blinds (think back to that earlier guys post with the images of the bloody face
facing the camera and you'l see what i'm looking at - easier seen in the last b&w photo posted just prior), and 4, whether an entirely new photo or
just a layer tacked on there, i can see eraser tools used, cloning, and (if only simple or nonadvanced tools were used) a smudge tool.
Smudge is found to the left of the "real" girls face, or her ear actually, actually smearing the blinds with a kind of downward momentum.
Cloning tool areas were mentioned before, as well as issues w the lighting, depth, and sharpness issues. If I really really have to to end this hoax,
I'll circle each and every little problem in there, but really, there are tons, guys.
edit on 20-7-2011 by SoulVisions because: smudging clarification. Also, it could all have been doen simply by cutting out the "ghost girl,"
moving her to the left a little (see the line of her faces matches a place on the blinds just to her right), and erasing a bit of one layer around the
ghost girl, then dropping that top layer's transparency. boo, it's done. 5 seconds. Figured I'd put that in there... I can see readytorevolt already
going "nuh uhn" that's not how i did it! whateves.. sorry for the rant.