posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 06:56 PM
Jafar Dhia Jafar, who ran the nuclear program for just about 25 years, has said that Iraq's chemical and biological weapons programs were destroyed
after the first Gulf War and never reactivated.
So much for the claim that the U.S. was going to war with Iraq because Saddam Hussein was trying to restart his nuclear program.
He said that everything was destroyed, such that the programme could not be restarted at the time - and that it never restarted.
"There was no capability," he said. "There was no chemical or biological or any of what are called weapons of mass destruction." Some materials
were never accounted for, giving weapons inspectors reason to believe that there were still some weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
Mr Jafar also says the British government's assertion that Iraq tried to purchase uranium from Niger is false.
He said Iraq already had a supply of uranium purchased there in the 1980s.
"We had 500 tons of yellow cake [uranium] in Baghdad so why would we get more?" he said.
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
Could they be hiding something more, or is this the absolute truth?
Maybe George should have looking into this a bit more before invading Iraq and removing the 'weapons of mass destruction'
If he knew this now, maybe he would of second thought his decision to go into Iraq, and kill off American citizens. Maybe this intelligence could have
saved lives; maybe it all could have not happened at all.
Mr. Jafar could be blamed personally as it was his evasive behavior and failure of not coming clean that caused them to believe that Iraq might
possible be hiding something.
[edit on 8-11-2004 by Valhall]