posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 10:52 PM
It is not uncommon to plateau on an SSRI antidepressant after awhile of being on it. There are so many different antidepressants to try, including
the trycylics, and many help some which don't help others, etc. Everyone's
brain chemistry is unique and sometimes several kinds of pills must be tried before you find the right one for you, or a combination of more than one
I recommend you never alter the dose or cease taking a medicine without your doctor's knowledge and approval. Most drugs of this nature should be
tapered off gradually, not abruptly stopped.
Is your diagnosis just depression? Not "manic depression" or other diagnosis in addition to that?
I really liked Prozac but found I kept plateauing on it, where it didn't help after awhile. Celexa is an excellent SSRI antidepressant but I was a
little too hyped up on it (way too happy and people noticed). I've been on Zoloft for 1 1/2 years now, and recently my doc upped the dose from 50 to
100 mg., because I'm going through some challenging circumstances i.e. job loss, hand surgery tomorrow, etc.)
Elavil is supposed to be one of the newer, better drugs and works similar to Celexa. Other drugs as Buspar, Wellbutrim and Paxil have helped many
people suffering from depression.
Do you exercise? Regular daily exercise is proven to increase the chemicals in your brain which actually make you feel good and less depressed.
Examine your diet. Is it all heavy meat and carbs that tire you out?
Try frequent snacks and lighter meals and drink plenty of water.
Avoid all alcohol and other substances which are depressants to the nervous system.
Do you have a sense of humor? If not, cultivate one. Watch only funny movies, buy some humorous books, go to funny plays.
Seek out upbeat people with positive attitudes. I agree--practice self-affirmations in front of a mirror. Shout to yourself "Stop!" whenever you
catch yourself mentally self-talking in a negative way. Replace the negative thought with a positive counter-thought.
Do you meditate or pray? It can help lessen one's depression.
Do you have goals? Dreams? Plans for the future? If not, you need to create some to give yourself somethings to look forward to. Make a list of
your goals and dreams and then plan out the steps to accomplish each one. Every time you accomplish a step, cross it out. Give yourself timeframes to
accomplish your goals/dreams.
Do you have any positive friends or relatives to encourage you and help you laugh and be upbeat around you? That is so important. If not,
try to join a club or activities where you meet people like that.
Consider becoming a mentor to a child, if you can spare 2 hours 2 weekends a month--contact Big Brothers/Big Sisters organization in your city. There
is a long list for men to mentor boys who have no fathers.
This would give you a sense of purpose, committment and be very rewarding.
Are you dwelling on the past or living with lots of regret and guilt? Get rid of the excess baggage! Purge your life! Write a letter to that
deceased father and tell him you forgive him. Then ceremoneously burn it up and toss the ashes on the ground. Let your grudges and past hurts
Life is too short, and you need to move on. Today is all we have, for yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not here yet.
Are you sleeping well? Getting to bed same hour every night and getting at least 7 hours of sleep is important. Lack of sleep or poor sleep can
cause depression and fatigue.
Do you watch a lot of tv? That can be depressing! You might want to try to alter your habits and do things totally different, and see if it
If you're an internet addict, or news addict, stop! Try other activities to replace them.
It's hard to be depressed when you're out in the sun and fresh air. Be sure to get some of both every day if possible.
Lastly, I recommend counseling in addition to your seeing a psychiatrist. An objective counselor might have valuable insight they can share with you
to steer you in a positive direction to improve your life.
Also there are many groups on the internet for people with depression. Check out Yahoo groups, etc.