posted on Apr, 21 2003 @ 06:50 PM
Originally posted by ADVISOR
Wolf thats entirely different, mout is training/enviornment, they were talking about undeground tunnels. I may be mistaken though.
So wolf you seem well informed, ever done mout exercises?
Actually, I believe I am right. M.O.U.T (Military Operations on Urban Terrain) is a mock city training enviroment with buildings that would be found
in a city (School, housings, hospital..and such.) Now M.O.U.T. is a mock city. The Military goes there to train for Urban combat, inwhich they train
to fight in a 3d enviroment, instead of just 2-d. (3-d enviroment combat would mean above, below, and all around you, while 2-d is basically just up
down left and right, with not much possibility of enemies above or below you). And no, I have not taken any MOUT training, or any military training. I
am just a paranoid teen running from NSA spooks in black vans that knows a modest ammount about military installations, military weaponry, and
military operations.