posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 06:58 PM
First, let me say, This is mostly related to origins and creationism, but the recent 'changes' there have me unsure if I should post this in there.
I'm posting here to be safe.
Something I realized a few days ago, that really changes my outlook on studying various scientific points regarding the idea of
creationism/intelligent design.
I've tried to give all creationist arguments, for intelligent design, against evolution, against abiogenisis, creation of the universe, as much
chance as I can. Even more than I would for others because I don't want the beliefs natural to me to bias what I accept.
In my opinion, you'd have to be deluded to think science is trying to disprove god. Scientists see evidence, reach conclusions, and refine the
conclusions if new evidence ever surfaces. Basically, what I realized, the many of the arguments for Intelligent Design I've heard, there's a reason
they don't get scientific merit. If these arguments held up to scrutiny, they would be recognized scientifically. The really informed people, who
know about these topics, see the creationists arguments, and they don't convince them.
Then there's us. The people who don't know better, the people without the knowledge and facts to look at information in perspective. Not saying
we're dumb, we just don't have years of experience in understanding these things. All the arguments are brought down to us. Claims like young earth,
intelligent design, origin of the universe, irreducible complexity, no one argues these to the well informed people. These arguments go to us.
Not one article in favor of Intelligent Design has ever passed peer review. That goes beyond my expectations. I'd expect some arguments to at least
be acknowledged as somewhat valid. They aren't though. In the scientific communities greater understanding, they see through arguments that I
wouldn't be able to see anything wrong with myself.
Ultimately, to any creationist out there, the question leads. From a few articles and paragraphs regarding the subjects, do you think you're smarter
than the entire scientific community with many years of built up understanding?
I'm not smarter in an area I study in pastime, than a scientist who's whole career revolves around it. And next time I read a pro-creationist case,
I will ask myself "They make god seem like the only possible logical answer, why don't the more informed people believe them?"
Recently, someone posted an article in a topic claiming there were no records of any transitional forms of species. "Fossil record indicates that
every creature known by mankind, emerged as-is when it showed up on earth", to paraphrase it. Alone it's pretty convincing, until the next 10
posters provided many examples of transitional species. The claim only made sense when you didn't know all the facts.
So the question is, are you sure you're smarter than the scientific community, when you don't even know if you have all the facts?
This is not an insult. I don't mean it to be. I just want to know what people think. Regarding scientific topics, how much credit must we give
ourselves to decide we're capable of making a correct dissenting opinion? Isn't it arrogant to think you know better than people who are obviously
more qualified?
This isn't about religion in general. This isn't about god's existence. This is only about people who claim that Evolution is scientifically
unsound, or that evidence points to a young earth, ect.
What do you think?