posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 10:38 PM
Ok so I was looking at the 'Occam Razor' theory which goes like this "the razor is a principle that suggests we should tend towards simpler
BAsically saying if your looking for an explanation look at the simplest answer because thats what it most likely is true.
For a long time ive had my own theory which is kind of along these lines I shall call it 'beards theory'.
This is that the majority of people are MORE LIKELY to believe the easiest answer, not that they SHOULD believe it but they are more likely to
For a basic example lets use 9/11. The bloke on the news says planes were hi-jacked and crashed into towers, the BEard Theory suggests the majoirty of
people go 'ah ok that explains it all' and move on, which we know thats exactly what happens!! Now, If someone was to say, are you SURE thats
exactly how it happened though? The Beard theory would say that this person would then laugh at you and say 'of course thats what happened, thats
what the guy on the news said'. BUT, its not only about the guy on the news saying it, its also because its the easiest variation of events for one
to believe, it makes sense. If you only look at the little picture its almost logical. Now how knows why this is, because they done care? Because they
are scared? Or because they are easily lead/narrow minded? Or maybe just something they WANT to believe? So they stick to their beliefs like glue.
To me someone who doesnt subscribe to my Beards Theory is one who keeps an open mind to everything, who looks at each side of the argument and form an
opinion based on that. so say if I said to someone 'I think 9/11 is more than they say'. The non beard theory subscriber would -instead of laugh it
off like im crazy- ask me to go into more detail and keep an open mind to my side of the argument and look into it, maybe reforming their existing
I myself dont say 9/11 was DEFINATELY an inside job, its impossible to say. But having looked at evidence from both sides im convinced there is more
to it than 'they' say. But thats a different debate altogether as we know.
Unfortunately, The Beards Theory will probably prove to be the downfall for many as they sleep walk their way into our new world.