posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 07:29 PM
Hello, first i would liek to say am not sure where to put this thread, so i put it here.
Anyways, I was watching a show the other day about people who have different "abilities", and I thought, don't we all have these abilities? In this
thread, maybe talk about what makes you you, whether it is a birth defect, or something hereditary, or anything like that.
I'll go first, and you can sorta model it after mine. My "Abilities" are hereditary for one, and I am not sure for the second. The first one is a
great tolerance to pain. I have this because of my dad, and I know of it because of my normal migraines. I have them about daily, and i am capable of
doing almost anything with them. The second on is my body's ability to stand extreme heat without either immense perspire, or dehydration. I know
this because i spend alot of time working outside in jeans, a black shirt, and the sun is about 100 degrees outside. I am capable to take this amount
of heat, and not sweat at all.
What is it that makes you "different"? what are your "abilities" please tell, and if this thread goes to a specific forum, please move it, thank