posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 10:36 AM
Berlin/ Germany - Only a few days ago, photographer Bux Dean made an astonishing find at a flea market in the German capitol Berlin: If confirmed to
be authentic this newly discovered crystal skull could once have been owned by the eminent German art historian and curator Arnold Wilhelm von Bode,
one of the most influential figures for modern science museum curatorship.
"It was remarkable, but this skull was standing between antique objects and was without a box" its finder Bux Dean told the German paranormal and
fringe science newsblog
the web site is in German but you can use babel fish or google to translate for you...
Ckick here for story and photos
edit to add... I cannot get into my media account to load photos... sorry folks but you'll have to visit the link
edit on 1-7-2011 by DaddyBare
because: (no reason given)