posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:08 AM
thanks for sharing. needless to say, dreams are rather potent windows to our inner workings, and the unsettling ones can certainly have lasting
effects that linger long after the dream is over.
i have had a fair share of alien dreams myself, many disturbing, as well. (though the image of the reptilian eye is rather freaky!)
i am not sure what to make of these alien dreams, though i have explored the issue, even on ATS. are they glimpses into the inner psyche? do the
aliens represent something archetypical? am they picking up on the collective unconsious? or are they indeed glimpses into an alien realm via the
dreamscape. i just dunno, and there's only so far i'm willing to chase this rabbit down the rabbit hole.
if you don't already, record your dreams in a dream journal. mark any other significant events at the time of the dream (what you were going through
personally, weather, phase of moon, etc.). patterns do start to develop and maybe you may make some sense out of your experience.
as for the dream with your friend, perhaps there are issues between you? or perhaps your friend is going through some changes themselves? or perhaps
your friend is indeed a bloodsucking.... well, i'll let you finish that thought. they are your friend.
cheers. stay sane.