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Are we ever going to move on from 9/11? It is now a waste of time, literally!!

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posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 01:36 AM
I get your true point, that people should put their time and efforts into dealing with the here and now.

That being said, until the vast majority of the population is aware or can be convinced that indeed some elements behind the veil perpetrated a crime, not only murder and the wars that followed, but a crime against their minds, a complete deception played out right in front of them, then we have to keep it up.

It is also not ok to let go of this event and we need to keep it relevant because with time comes evidence.

We know now, because people stayed on top of things, about Operation Northwood and that the Gulf of Tonkin incident was false, should those researchers have just dropped it?

Because if they had we wouldn't know about a history of False Flag Operations that had been perpetrated.

Also, keep in mind that there are new people coming into the fold everyday, my son was 5 at the time, now 15 can now appreciate and understand what really happened.

When a researcher dies, naturally or suspiciously, we also need people ready and informed enough to pick up that research and continue.

There is no statute of limitations on this, we do not have the specific names of the individuals at the heart of it, after we have that and can make the attempt to bring them to justice, no we as a people should absolutely NOT drop it.

Think about this, if more and more people keep nipping at their heels, keeping them constantly looking over their shoulders, then by doing so we have distracted them from moving forward, they have to take their eyes off the prize in order to keep those eyes on the people creeping up behind them, it slows them down.

For those that believe it is a waste of time to stay on the 9/11 crime, that's totally fine, keep up the good fight in your way, nobody said everyone must research 9/11, move on to the topic or incident that you can contribute to.

They can try to keep the truth of things hidden, but if the veil is being pulled back from different areas, how long till the whole thing comes down and they are finally exposed to the rest of the world?

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by TheButcher23

let me get this straight, two days ago you say a missle hit the Pentagon to cover up 2.3 trillion dollars and we need to look into that. Today, let's get over it.

edit on 1-7-2011 by Yahm16 because: poor spelling habits...

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by TheButcher23
When are people going to realize that the truth you so badly seek is beyond your grasp?

Its a decade later and no one has actually presented any REAL evidence as too who REALLY committed 9/11 mass murders.

Because we've had no independent investigation. The "official" investigation was a sham.

Originally posted by TheButcher23Now, a lot of you are proudly huddled under the wonderful umbrella name "truthers". But do you actually DO YOUR OWN research or are you just jumping on the bandwagon of the few who have put in real time and research.

Don't need to. Building 7. Liquid metal pouring from towers. Video is available. Case closed, in that it was controlled demolition with the help of thermite.

10 years in and the goal still has to be to wake people up. Once enough people wake up, via watching the 2 pieces of evidence above, then we can have an independent investigation. This will never be "finished" until that happens, or until TPTB miraculously give up on all attempts to control the US citizens (lol.)
edit on 1-7-2011 by Observer99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by TheButcher23
Its a decade later and no one has actually presented any REAL evidence as too who REALLY committed 9/11 mass murders.

Now, a lot of you are proudly huddled under the wonderful umbrella name "truthers". But do you actually DO YOUR OWN research or are you just jumping on the bandwagon of the few who have put in real time and research.

It is not about WHO did it. This is now a fundamental physics issue and about the integrity of the entire physics profession.

It is about whether or not anyone should pay $100,000+ for an engineering education from any school in the country.

The Empire State Building is 80 years old. Do you think the physics of skyscrapers is that difficult to understand? The transistor was not invented until 1947. Do you think electrical engineers don't understand enough Newtonian Physics to figure out 9/11? What kind of electronic computers did they use to design the ESB?

9/11 says something about the intelligence and integrity of all of the sci/tech people. Do most of them just want to make things unnecessarily complicated so they can pretend to be intelligent? In 2008 I asked Richard Gage about the distributions of steel and concrete in the towers. He gave me this LAME excuse about the NIST not releasing accurate blue prints. There are 200 buildings around the world over 800 feet tall. Gravity works the same way all over the planet. There had to have been architectural and engineering software to figure that out by the late 90s.

9/11 is a JOKE! It should have been determined that airliners could not do that within SIX MONTHS.

After TEN YEARS who did it is not the most important issue. When has Steven Jones ever discussed the distributions of steel and concrete in the towers? How could the Potential Energy of the buildings be determined without accurate data like that?

Potential Energy is weight times height. So why doesn't EVERYBODY want such simple info?

Curious ain't it?

The trouble is most people concentrate on emotional and psychological crap when the physics is so simple.


posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by TheButcher23

Originally posted by Bob Sholtz
this thread is a waste of time. you're asserting that the only people who can know the truth are people who were physically there. being there or not doesn't change the evidence, and whether or not i took pictures that day doesn't change the content of those pictures.

frankly, this thread is worthless.
edit on 1-7-2011 by Bob Sholtz because: (no reason given)

IT changes everything in terms of undeniable proof.

Exif data ring any bells?

How do you know the pics or video you saw were not manipulated and FED to you?

Pics and videos are irrelevant. For about two weeks after 9/11 that was about all I thought about. My pledge father was an architect. We could see the Sears Tower being constructed from campus. There was lots of talk in the frat about skyscrapers.

The buildings must hold themselves up against gravity and they must withstand the wind. One concrete floor slab was more than triple the weight of the airliner. The south tower only deflected 15 inches when the plane hit.

All of the pictures of the destruction of the towers are PROOF that something other than airliners and fire did that. That required WAY MORE ENERGY than came from the plane and fuel and trying to blame it on the Potential Energy of the buildings without supplying accurate data on the tons of steel and tons of concrete that were on every level is even more hysterically funny.

TEN YEARS of 9/11 just shows how scientifically ignorant the vast majority of Americans are.


posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 09:50 AM
Takes the "L" with pride even tho they lied...... Moving on to Celestial related issues.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by psikeyhackr
Well stated Psychy, that should be enough to end this stupid thread right here. But the 'boys' will be along soon starring and flagging, telling all who will listen what a brilliant idea this is. Not me. The veil will be lifted, and truth will prevail.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 10:01 AM
i see no serious way that the attacks can ever be a conspiracy simply because people are blabbermouths and naturally want to make themselves the point of attention,especially when it comes to notoriety and money.if this thing were an actual conspiracy,hundreds of people would have to be part of it,and i don't care who or what organization you are part of,there is no logical that many people could actually keep a secret! on top of that,there is no military in the world smart enough to ever pull off an operation like this!

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 10:01 AM
i see no serious way that the attacks can ever be a conspiracy simply because people are blabbermouths and naturally want to make themselves the point of attention,especially when it comes to notoriety and money.if this thing were an actual conspiracy,hundreds of people would have to be part of it,and i don't care who or what organization you are part of,there is no logical that many people could actually keep a secret! on top of that,there is no military in the world smart enough to ever pull off an operation like this!

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 10:03 AM
You will move on when the next major series of devastating attacks come to pass.

There will be a whole new path for conspiracies then.

Until then, have fun with this one.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by crimsontidefan
i see no serious way that the attacks can ever be a conspiracy simply because people are blabbermouths and naturally want to make themselves the point of attention,especially when it comes to notoriety and money.if this thing were an actual conspiracy,hundreds of people would have to be part of it,and i don't care who or what organization you are part of,there is no logical that many people could actually keep a secret! on top of that,there is no military in the world smart enough to ever pull off an operation like this!

Right, everybody would just tell everything.

So, since they are so fond of talking and all, what exactly went down in the 1999 or 2000 Bohemian Grove meetings?

Since 2700 members, their guests, and a town of support staff would just blabber.

1999 and 2000 Bilderberg meetings?

What were all of the operations that the NSA and CIA involved in during 1999 or 2000, since they are dedicated to a lifetime of silence and all?

That reason is really tiresome, our entire Intelligence community's culture is completely based on keeping secrets, this isn't amateur hour we're talking about.

So since we have a proven track record of thousands of people keeping secrets secret, then why again is it so impossible that a mere hundred (in your estimation) couldn't keep a secret?

And before popping off some silly answer, think about it, really think about it, they have other means of ensuring someone stays quiet as well, blackmail (usually manufactured, read The Franklin Conspiracy), career suicide, "accidents" that happen all the time, these things do happen.

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