posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 11:42 AM
It seems that the opinions of the astronaughts is somewhat divided as to exactly whats up there topside.
I forget who exclaimed something about there being space critters up there even.....maybe some X 15 pilot im not sure....(Chuck Yeager?or was he the
guy who took pics of UFOs at the hieght of his flight?))but theres been hints from odd sources of living creatures inhabiting the void of space.
I for one am nearly positive this must be so to some extent.Though i caution that with i have no idea what these critters may be......I believe its
extremely possible given that life exists at extreme sepths of the oceans etc...even life forms which live off of what would be poison to us....right
here on our own earth....why not up there?
I have also been reading the odd UFO report of amoeba like craft. flying mushrooms or their like,sharklike craft etc...these ufos do not nessessarily
have to be inanimate they?
Finally i have to say my opinion of these pioneers would plummet to abysmal depths if it turns out they kept us in the dark on orders from their
masters,......If one or two had spoken up backing Edgar Mitchell....but hes left hung out to dry......aaach!
Unless these guys turn out to be true heroes in the end,(only time will tell...)with nothing held back from betting they are sitting on
some explosive information that each has in some way dealt with according to their personalities dictates.
Till more is known we cant rightly say, but it sure looks that way to my thinking.It explains the antsy flip flopping of Aldrin, the reclusive
Armstrong etc...
The whole subject would be a good book if somebody could compile the various statements and opinions of these men
we could compare them more easily.Digging through the archives for some twitch or shrug at the wrong time....listening to old tapes of past speeches
etc, its hard for one person whos even rabidly interested to find the time for the research.....By now there have been mutiple shuttle captains and
crew, many different people have been topside and have come back , such anomalies as have been spoken of are few and far between with little data to
go on......If one were to take Maurice Chatelain at his word, theres a lot being hidden from us from the very first flights.....
This is the guy who designed the whole communications network for apollo......word will leak out sooner or later, but i am confident that somebody of
higher moral conscience will eventually decide to clue us in regardless of consequences.
The leaders of foriegn airforces,officials of the air traffic controllers, and a host of other high officers in many different goverments have said
the saucers are real....are we to conclude they are then all lying in concert when they comprise of even our enemy countrys officials statements as to
the reality of the UFO problem.
Further, there is another mystery that stands along side of the UFO question, and that is the origin and purpose of the many fireballs reported in the
skies the world over......