posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by ChrisCrikey
I made the OP, and Im likely classed a "liberal"(though Im not a democrat) by most people. I think Americans SHOULD have some pretty basic economic
understanding. (And certainly our politicians should) I have three years of business school myself, and its invaluable in understanding what is going
on politically, since money is a huge driver of public policy.
How can Americans vote knowledgeably for someone who moos about a "free market" if neither they nor the politician mooing know what that really is?
And yet, many political decisions today ARE based on economics, which terrifyingly few Americans and politicians have any solid understanding of. And
people, especially conservatives, vote for anyone who advocates a "free market" but almost none of them could describe what that is, or tell us in
what ways ours deviates from that model.
We like the word "free." But not everything labeled a free market actually IS a free market, and only if you have some basic understanding of what
a free market is, could you possibly notice that. We are being played in a "bait and switch" type game, or a double speak game, in which our
politicians call something by a name when logically, it should be called the opposite, IF, and its a very big "if," the people actually knew what
what was being described should look like.
ALL Americans should understand, at least roughly, how economics works. You dont really even need a lot of detail, just a rough understanding, so
that they can make good decisions. Economics and money issues affect every single one of us, not just conservatives.