posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 04:56 PM
You got 'black hole' theories and not enough or even any on Elenin . Its bigger than what you think . Mass affects gravity : and Velikovsky was a
personal friend of Einstein. Everybody respects Newton.
Dont get caught with 'this or that is unrelated' / its not : I just explained the basic theory of relativity . Gravity also affects mass.
Its plain and simple
Elenin has mass : the moon has mass : both these affect the tides.
Add the movements of these bodies to the turning of the earth : water moves around the globe , and atmospheric pressure changes are drawn with it
Read the bbc report : the tide anolomaly was higher in Portmouth than 200 miles down towards the cornwall coast : both elenin and moon are affecting
tide. it s mass is being drawn by 2 cosmic bodies , and from below by the mass of the earth which carries its own gravity.
Now what happened is likely this : tide was flowing out towards the altlanic . elenin was pulling some of it towards the west, retaining it in the
channel. at the continental shelf, negative pressure within the water flowing down into it cuased the surface level to drop suddenly and the channel
drained out fast. then it just rippled over the edge again creating the , thankfully mini, tsunami wave.
This will happen again and soon , so look out .Water , magma , air , other liquids , these elements are first to be drawn by Elenin . Meanwhile the
lithosphere is cracking up , and I am feeling the tremors right here where I sit. I am watching this happening on gps , and literally in real time
looking at polaris . Its a great shame many are missing these obvious points . Read Velikovsky and you will absolutely take me seriously : this thing
comes every 3500 years. We have the stories from the survivors of the last 'events' to thanks for this knowledge also. This is THE major 2011 issue,
not 2012, there wont be a 2012 at this rate.
JPL/elenin database/nasa is an orbital estimator , but this a searingly dangerous topic right now