posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 09:00 AM
I personally have a library of books relating to the subject which fills a rather large bookcase. The truth is, I own more books on UFOs than 90% of
the population of Britain own books in total, full stop. In fact, many people would refuse to live in such a house as mine because of the books as it
offends their sense of style. Now, you can make of that what you will and it is, to some extent, a sad indictment of our society and shows how other
forms of entertainment have become far far more important.
To suggest there is a paucity of cases to write books about is just utter rubbish. One could easily suggest their are a lack of cases that are *sexy*
enough to find a publisher in a contracting market and you'd probably be right. Problem is that damn word sexy. There are a veritable plethora of
cases that have , to anyone with half a brain, a truly interesting kernel about them. That can be from being able to cross reference to other
sightings to those that are just plain weird.
The problem lies not with the cases themselves as with the idea that there has to be an answer written in simple language that even the most
challenged can grasp. Well imagine that was how we we went about particle physics or the study of DNA.
"O'm sorry Doctor XYX, as much as your work is indeed worthy, we won't be publishing it because, no-one is killed, there are no real conspiracies
and your average Jo wouldn't have a clue past page 1.And there lies the rub, Ufology is about the interface of human experience with a science that
as yet eludes us, whatever that science may be.
It is hardly helped when the climate is such that, you talk to some *name* scientist about it and they conclude by saying "Don't mention me by name
please as I don't want the adverse publicity that goes with it".
That is, if the scientists feel they cannot approach the subject without their livelihoods being threatened, then they can hardly scream foul if the
"amateurs" get involved.
The there is another problem. The vast majority of scientists in the world today are specialists. Outside of their own narrow field they haven't a
clue about other scientists fields. Not only that, many in their own particular fields might know all the basics but cannot get their heads round the
cutting edge concepts any more than jo public. Things like Brane theory leave many scientists struggling to even conceptualise the theories being
proposed let alone understand them, so they do what humans do and just ignore them and the implication therein.. The basic battle lines being drawn up
around the idea...
"Oh i can;t measure that so I'm just ignoring it" against the "One has to conceptualsie then seek evidence in order to move on as the numbers
actually don't add up".
I remember when they sent the probe to study Halley's comet They had a live TV show as the probe approached with a panel of the great and good of
science there and a token schoolkid. When they lost telemetry from the part of the probe they all went into a kerfuffle and there was a great wailing
and gnashing of teeth. The 13 year old kid pipes up. "Well i believe it is probably small pieces of come debris that have hit the probe and probably
knocked out of line a couple of the arrays, thus we are receiving some telemetry and not other parts"...
The great and good rolled their eyes, sucked their teeth and generally were their usual condescending selves towards the young man...yes yes young
man,.... now let's return to discussing the real reasons...
30 minutes later the kid turns out to be 100% right. and only about 10% of the great and good even had the decency to congratulate him and admit they
had got it totally wrong, let alone apologise to him.
Those who have been in the field for some time know the following all too well.
You are some social gathering the conversation turns to UFOs someone pipes up with
Wll of course no case have ever included this or that information..
Well actually that's not true... the xyz case and the yysz cases both included such information and it is fully documented
Well yes, but no case have ever seen this or that..
Well no part from the NMH case in and the JJH case in including exactly that sort of information..
Well yes all well and good but its just stupid really I wouldn't waste my time on it all accompanied by large guffaws and inane remarks about
"little green men" and how they only appear to eejits and hillybillys never to *sensible* peple.
Well what about the cases involving ... him and her and that person who is a high ranking military officer?
And the you realise it's virtually exactly the same on every last form on the subject on the web,. The ignorant demanding information which, if they
got off their lazy butts is already out there
The world is full of glorified lab assistants who think a white coat in oil extraction from shale beds, gives them the right to laud it over anyone
without a science degree. The web is full of people who are brilliant at using google but haven;t a clue of the actual context of the information they
are spouting as if they discovered it themselves.
You want east answers and not to have to think too hard, simple don;t get involved with UFOs. You don;t mind your very core systems being challenged
by the evidence that has been stacking up over time, fine dive in and DO IT FOR YOURSELF..
In short quit bellyaching when the people who know their stuff about UFOs turn around and say.. In the end I have theories, we know the phenomenon is
real, everything else is up for grabs.Because that is the ONLY truth about the subject as we stand right now.
What i will say is this. All the best UFO researchers, be they published or not, agree on one thing. To understand this phenomenon will push
humanities understanding of the multi verse on by not just a step, rather probably a huge leap and that leap might involve us as a whole race having
to reassess just how *clever* we really are and just "important" we really are. There lies your problem, people of all persuasions, religious
scientific etc etc... really don;t like facing that idea so would rather just walk away from it and belittle those who choose to face up to it.
As someone so aptly once said.... "There is nothing to fear, save fear itself"..never was so hackneyed a line so appropriate to a field of study.