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Statement by the People's Assembly of Syntagma Square on today's events: Their destiny is frustrat

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posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by Imogene72
Hi!!! Sorry if I got you worried

Here's how my story goes.
Police wouldn't allow us to reach the square, they had blocked all the entrances. I was forced to stay at Stiles Olympiou Dios. Policemen tried to bully us (here I have to mention that I am a 25 year old girl (!), they released tear gases on our faces and started hitting peaceful people. At about 5 o clock in the afternoon, I walked to hilton hotel, where a friend with a motorcycle picked me up, and we took another road, we left the motorcycle at omonoia square and we walked down the Stadiou road. When we reached Kolokotroni square, we took a shortcut and found ourselves toy Ermou street, where I met my mother. She was ok, but she was burnt in the skin from the extreme amount of tear gases the police released. After we had seen each other for about 20 minutes, a police team made it's appearance to Karagiorgi Servias street and dropped sound bombs and tears geses on peaceful protesters, which of course ran with panic to Ermou street. But the police came there and did the same thing as well, and then they did they same on Mitropoleos street. I walked my mother to Gazi subway station, so that she could reach home, and then came back to kolokotroni square with my friend. We started walking to Syntagma square, just to see what was going on, when we found a MAT team on the way. With absolutely no reason they started chasing us and five other people who were on the street, they released tear gases on us again, and then I passed out. I woke up inside the Syntagma subway station, where my friend had carried me. Doctors camping there took a very good care of me, however I had shortness of breath till this morning, and my lungs hurt like crazy.
The police were extremely violent, I'm suing them by the way, and the minister in charge of them. I am extremely happy though, because Amnesty International has explicitly condemned the greek police and the violence they used. Here 's the link:

So, this is my story...Sorry for the late reply

Wx, efxome h mitera sou kai esi na ise kala, koita na prosexis eki giati exoun ksefigi afti apo ka8e elexo.
Oh, i hope you and your mum are okay, hey take care of yourself cause the police have lost control and they care not who is who or for what reason anyone is down there.

Today, ill be flying up to Leuko Pyrgo, (White Tower) to relax abit, ill be dropping by to see how they are all doing up there and to take a small break as the tension is kinda freaking me out. ( na prosexis / Take Care of yourself okay..! ).

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