posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 01:25 PM
No Child Left Behind Act was established to give the government unprecedented authority over
schools. The idea that funding would be boosted and kids wouldn't suffer in the classroom were exciting for student, parents and teachers. There has
been alot of criticism and controversy over this act.
Although the act may be positive, the funding has been "left behind." The act has fallen $27 billion below its promised levels.
Children suffer everyday in the classroom when inadequate books, overpopulated classes and constant budget cuts interfere with their learning.
I as a parent see these problems in the school. I see the books that are brought home that are copyrighted 1977, and are in such bad shape that the
pages are literally coming loose from the rest of the book. When you see the library still has the same old books as when I went to this school.
Bush's No Child Left Behind Act was a great idea, the problem now is that he refused to make good on his promise to improve the education of the
children, and they are being left behind.
The cost of the requirements of the act are too much for most states to handle in the fiscal crisis we are in.
Jan Ressenger states:
Source Link
Our study found that states are committed to the goals of the legislation and are trying hard to carry them out, but the prescriptive nature of the
requirements is causing great concern.... We also found that the fiscal crisis in most states, coupled with the prospect of limited additional federal
aid, could threaten the successful implementation of this very ambitious law.
Bush broke his promises in the funding of this act, and although it may have been great for education, it's not great for the students, parents, and
the teachers.