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Area 51 Replacement Base

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posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 09:22 PM
The following is a detailed description of a small post I had written last year in a Black Triangles thread.

In the early 90's, I was living at the base of the South Mountains in Phoenix, Arizona. I lived about 45 miles north of the Gila Bend Gunnery Range (Northeast portion of the Barry M. Goldwater Air Force Range). I had always had an interest in UFO's, but my interest peaked when I heard about Area 51 in 1989 or 1990. I always kept my eyes up for any sightings, and sure enough I had seen four separate UFO incidents. These happened somewhere between 1991 and 1994. My last sighting happen about a week or two after I hear a Art Bell - Coast to Coast program, where George Knapp disclosed that major Area 51 projects were transferred to the Gila Bend Gunnery Range, due to the persistent media coverage about Area 51. After hearing that there were high mountains surrounding the area, and added civilian security in white Jeep Cherokees to catch intruders, I knew I had to have a look see. I did a daylight search of this desolate area and found mountains covering all of the Northeast areas to this base. It was a nighttime trek that actually panned out and gave me a real sighting. The local newspaper even had civilian security jobs posted for the outside perimeter of this base.I have not heard this base mentioned in any UFO/news programs since that time other than a few small posts here on ATS. I sent two requests to ATS to contact me concerning a possible investigation into this base, and it seems their not interested.

Other than the Phoenix Lights incident, has anyone one else have any other specific sightings, or done any other investigations into this base?

My 4 incidents are written below:
Incident 1: Daylight sighting of what appeared to be a B-52 flying at very high altitude above the South Mountain, releasing some type of drone craft that left normal exhaust plumes. Once further away from the large jet, it would have bursts of high acceleration, do rolls, flips and banks, and finally do power climbs and steep dives. After maybe 5 minutes, it returns to its bomb bay by completely stopping and vertically ascending into it.

Incident 2: Night time sighting of a large black triangle craft slowly crossing over my large back yard at about a thousand feet high. It had no noise, was a shade lighter than the night sky, had many dark circles on it's underbelly (portals or exhaust), and was at least a football field long.

Incident 3: Daylight sighting of a Stealth Blimp. A silver to light gray colored blimp was over the South Mountain range for several minutes, passing in front of a set of large white clouds, disappearing before my eyes. It never turned into the clouds or moved sideways into them, it just seemed to turned it's cloud camouflage on and disappeared. It might of had a light bending camouflage like the Predator.

Incident 4: Late night surveillance sighting of a high-G craft. I was staked-out about 5 miles away from the Gila Bend Gunnery Range, when I seen a large light high in the night sky flying a straight line similar to many jet aircraft. It suddenly stopped and made a 90 degree turn. It then continue on straight for a while, stop again and made another 90 degree turn. Each time it did this, it would accelerate even faster and make another turn. It did this many times, and each time it's direction of travel would vary drastically.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by john spartan

I don't know but I will tell yo if you want to look into something interesting I was stationed in Mt. Home Idaho for a bit. The AFB in Mt. Home is nothing out of the ordinary but I had overheard a lot of conversations from some of the Air Force folks that managed the radar stations.

Don't ask me why the Navy has people in Idaho but they do.

Anyways like I mentioned before I have heard several people talking about things disappearing of the radar once things got close to Bonanza near Pinyon Lake. Whenever I approached people about it what I have heard they told me I must of misunderstood what they were talking about or they just shrugged it off as a hiccup in the system. About 2 weeks after that I acquired some sea duty.

I am not trying to derail your thread or high jack it by any means. I would not put it past them not having an extention of a base somewhere. You never know.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by NormalcyBias

Thanks NormalcyBias! I've seen a lot of things that I could not explain right away, over the years. I have found out that if you wait, some light will come to the surface to explain them eventually. The thing I can't explain is man's irrationality (You see a UFO in front of you, and the guy next to you sees a box of Pop-Tarts).

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by john spartan

Might be something to it

here are some sightings in that area.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 10:05 PM
If your lucky, an old poster that comes on here, might help you identy what you saw from the military side.
OR, just look up Zargon posts.

He's pretty up to date,includng supurb pics.

There are more great theads from other posters too.

Look up Military Aircraft in search. You might recognize some planes.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by NormalcyBias

The navy tests subs up in Pend Orielle in Northern Idaho could be stationed there for that but it is pretty interesting. I have heard mention of Alamagorda air base down in New Mexico as one place worth looking into.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 10:24 PM
On the military's website they say:

In October 1994, the Air Force closed most of the facility, removed all active military personnel, and transferred the management and maintenance of the facility to a civilian contractor. Most of the family housing and community support facilities that were used by military personnel have been abandoned and are no longer needed.

Gila Bend Auxiliary Field History

It is actually a pretty interesting story about the airbase

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 10:41 PM
Here is a shot of the airbase south of gila bend


posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by grey580

Thanks grey580. These stories explain some of my experiences as well as the Phoenix Lights!

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by john spartan

I wonder if the blimp was an Aerostat positioned over the border?

Tethered Aerostat

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 01:26 PM
Those are some interesting incidents you've experienced. Thanks for sharing

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:49 PM
I think that there are a number of secret facilities around the world that the USA would use for various secret projects. Remember that there is a lot of vast expanse of land up in Alaska where no one would ever go to .

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:09 PM
My wife and I have seen your triangular ship here in Vegas... Flying low to the treeline over the city!

Same shade as the night sky with red and blue triangular lights on both port and starboard - and watched it lift and accelarate to follow a distant pilot plane which had four blinking lights rear of it's wings.

Wish I had a camera lol!

Same as you however, no, I mean NO engine dynamics hear whatsoever...

posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 08:29 PM
Funnily enough, I finally saw a documentary on Area 51 I'd recorded a month ago and the former pilots and CIA employees who worked there and could talk about the declassified stuff seemed to say that there was a possibility that Area 51 was a cover for an even more secret base to get people's attention on the things worked on in Groom Lake like the U2 spy plane etc to use against the Soviets during the Cold War with people claiming those tests and spy missions were UFOs of alien origin while other top secret military stuff could be elsewhere.

It's en interesting place but personally, after viewing that show compared to the years of speculation, I'd wonder if we should focus more on potential other sites and leave Area 51 as just a mildly interesting thing that helped with our radar beating and intelligence gathering.

posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by curious7

It's en interesting place but personally, after viewing that show compared to the years of speculation, I'd wonder if we should focus more on potential other sites and leave Area 51 as just a mildly interesting thing that helped with our radar beating and intelligence gathering.


Groom Lake gets bigger every year. New hangars, strange structures. yada yada yada.

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 10:40 AM
The US Navy ran a nuclear prototype unit in Idaho awhile ago. Dont know if they still do, but that could explain navy.

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