I'd like to inform you of a method of creating false miracles through Hallucinations made with “Irregular Eye Movements Caused by Conditioned
Stimulus". In this email I discuss the different types of hallucinations that can be caused by various irregular eye movements.
I hope you will take the time to become informed of this method which is currently being extensively abused by a certain cult in their recruitment of
particular new members through exposing them to these very powerful and convincing hallucinations under the notion that they are experiencing
miracles, supernatural and paranormal experiences.
I would very much appreciate your feedback and any comments regarding this method. According to my knowledge this method has been a carefully guarded
secret for over two thousand years. I would also appreciate your feedback regarding the ease of understanding this claim.
How False Miracles of Optical Hallucinations are Created:
Hello, I am providing information for which I would like to remain anonymous. The method I will reveal to you has been used to create many false
miracles and delude many people throughout history. Once you take a look at the details of the following method I am sure you will be able to see
for yourself how it has been used throughout and the incredible influence it has had on the faith of billions of people.
I am providing information in this letter in regards to how very precise and extremely powerful Optical Hallucinations are created. I will explain
how several different kinds of hallucinations are created by causing different combination of eye movements. The quality of the hallucinations this
method can create are extremely shocking.
Case Studies of Major Uses of this Method
One example of a wide scale use of this hallucination, I believe, occurred in 1917 when 30,000-100,000 people claimed to have watched for 10 minutes
the sun dance around in the sky. You can read about the actual event on-line or read the Wikipedia article at
en.wikipedia.org... . If you pay attention to the descriptions of the Sun Dance you will note that each of the
Hallucination types I explain in this letter was used to create the different effects of Sun in this miracle. There were also no descriptions of
this miracle made that fall outside of the hallucination types that will be explained in this letter. I believe this method was used on a
particular Pope who received his sainthood because of witnessing a miracle of the Sun Dancing around in the sky while he was in the Vatican garden.
This method can also be used to create the hallucinations of people appearing to levitate or walk on water (with a rightward hallucination movement of
a person standing on the edge to the left of a beach) as the miracles in Christian scripture.
One example of a Do It Yourself Hallucination is:
Take your index finger place it on your nose. While looking at your index finger, with both eyes try to concentrate on the object in the back
ground, you will see doubles. If you don`t see doubles you may have to exercise your eyes by watching your finger move from your nose straight in
front, waving your finger further and closer directly in front of your nose. If you can successfully see doubles you can add more hallucination
special effects to this example by: Squinting one eye, one of the doubles will be come transparent. The more you do this exercise soon you will be
able to cross your eyes by yourself without the need of your finger and you will be able to control how crossed your eyes are and play around with the
double vision making them move closer or further about.
(1) Conditioning Optical Hallucinations
This process of creating hallucinations involves making triggers that cause the eyes of a person to move involuntary and even against
their will in specific combinations that has the effect of producing hallucinations of miraculous sights. The process is similar to Pavlov's
Dog. The conditioning can be done on an individual but it can also be very easily performed on a huge mass of people without the slightest clue
that it is happening. The conditioning process is always discreet and undetectable, and requires a regime of several minutes on a number of
different days. A professional doctor once told me this process can take several minutes each day, every day for ten days to produce efficient
triggers of a sense, such as sound or visual, that causes different responses on the body. I believe the conditioning process does not have to
happen on ten consecutive days but can happen as spaced out as once a week for ten weeks.
The process works by whenever you know a person is doing a particular eye movement, or you can assist them move their eyes by moving
something in front of their eyes to follow and flashing an audio cue (to act as a Conditioned Stimulus ) every time they are expected to make a
particular eye movement. I included simple diagrams to illustrate what eye movements causes the different types of hallucinations, but by no means
let my poor drawings detract from the actual quality of hallucinations that can be made or limit your creativity of imagining hallucinations of real
detailed objects and sights.
Here are some rough visual depictions of how the Hallucinations work. There are 4 new animated illustrations and 7 drawings that are very rough by
hand, if you want to make better quality means feel free, I would love to see them myself.
The following visual depictions of how different types of Hallucinations are created:
(1) Hallucination Type 1: Objects Miraculously Moving or Stretching
Eye Movements: While both eyes are focused on an object and one eye moves away from the centre while the other eye remains fixed, will cause the
object the person is initially looking at appear to move in the opposite direction of the eye movement at a speed proportion to the eye movement.
Hallucination of Things Moving to the Right: For example, both eyes looking straight at a giant metal garbage bin, the left eye is triggered
to move slowly to the left while the right eye remains focused and does not move, the giant garbage bin will appear to move to the right.
Hallucinations of things Moving Up: Or for example, both eyes looking at a picture on the wall, while one eye slowly moves down
while the other eye remains fixed, will cause the picture to appear to miraculously move up the wall, same can be for a stationary light switch or
hole in the wall.
Hallucination of objects stretching: If you substitute the picture in this example with the top of the door frame one eye moves up
instead of down, the doorframe will appear to shrink and the top of the door move slower to the ground.
This method also can be used to show how to make a doorway entrance appear to shrink as in the second image in the lower depiction.
You can say the Hallucination of things moving moves in an inverse relation to the movement of one eye while the other eye remains fixed.
The speed of the Hallucination of the movement is in proportion to the speed of the eye movement.
Animated Illustration 1 at URL:
Animated Illustration 2 at URL:
Rough Drawing Depicting Method at URL:
(2) Hallucination Type 2: Objects Miraculously Growing Getting Bigger and Shrinking, or Coming Closer or Getting Further Away. When one pupil is
triggered to get bigger, while the other pupil does not change, this creates the hallucination of things miraculously getting smaller, like seeing a
tiny moon in the sky, or causes objects to appear to be miraculously moving further, like the moon getting higher or further away. When the pupil
gets smaller while the other pupil does not change it produces the opposite effect, hallucination of things miraculously getting bigger, like seeing
the sun get enormous in the sky and appear to be coming lower down in the sky or closer to the earth. This Illustration depicts visually how
Hallucinations are created of objects a person is looking at
getting bigger and smaller, as well as Hallucinations of things moving further away or coming closer.
Animated Illustration Available at the URL:
Rough Depiction available at the URL:
(4) Hallucination Type 3 & 4: This image depicts visually how Hallucinations are Created of Objects a Person is Looking at Spinning to the Left or
Right. This is actually not cause by eye movements but by a person being triggered to tilt their head to the left or right.
The lower diagram depicts how Hallucinations regarding specifically when looking at light can be created, Type 4 Hallucinations, causing light
source to create longer or shorter beams of light. Beams of light hallucinations are caused by how a person squints, with one eye or both. The
harder the squint the longer the beam of light. If you tilt your head to the left or right while squinting at a
light you will see the beam of light spin. This hallucination also has the effect of making lights appear to miraculously appear to get brighter
and shinier or get weaker and dimmer.
Rough Depiction available at the URL:
(5 & 6) Hallucination Type 5 & 6: This Hallucination Type is of Objects Splitting into Doubles can be Created. This is the most basic and most
familiar its caused by crossing your eyes. If you can`not cross your eyes by yourself, you can do it by putting your finger on your nose and
looking at the tip of your finger, the object in front of your finger will appear as doubles. This is the same method
used to create the mystic experiences people claim of seeing ``Auras`` or ``energy fields`` around a person or objects when both doubles overlap with
a slight protrusion. This is caused by only very subtly crossing your eyes so the doubles mostly overlap. It also can produce the effect of a
ghost like image over a person. This hallucination type allows you to choose how fast the doubles move away or closer to each other, or how far
apart they stay from one another.
Hallucination Type 6 is a Hallucination type that works with split vision or doubles by controlling how transparent either of the
doubles appear or whether one of the doubles in invisible. To make one of the doubles more transparent squint, the harder you squint the more
invisible it gets. You can also control how transparent the ``auras`` or ``energy fields`` are.
Animated Illustration Available at the URL:
Rough Depiction available at the URL:
Ways of Increasing the Quality of Hallucinatory Experiences:
It is also possible to create more sophisticated hallucinations by conditioning many different types of the hallucinations, that I
have mentioned, at the same time. For example, when a hallucination is created of the sun appearing to be getting bigger, by triggering one pupil
to get smaller while the other pupil remains constant or get bigger, a person at the same time while that person is triggered to squint harder and
harder, causing bigger and brighter beams to appear to be emanating from the sun, all together the hallucination that is created is of: while the
person is seeing the sun appearing to be getting larger and larger at the same time it appears to be emanating stronger, brighter, and longer beams of
light. Triggering one eye to move upward while the pupil is getting smaller, and the eye squinting, will create the effect of the sun appearing to
move lower down in the sky. The total effect of these eye movements is a hallucination of the sun moving down in the sky, while getting bigger in
size, and shining brighter.
It is also possible to use props that exaggerate the effects of the hallucinations. Props relating to the type of delusion is
often used, such as hallucinations of the statues of gods, holy artefacts, or mystical objects.
The quality of a hallucination can also be improved by either selecting or preparing a scene that exaggerates its effects, or contrasts one
type of hallucination from another.
For maximum delusional effect and controlling the ideas a person associates with the hallucinatory experience; it is common to surround the
event of the hallucination with lore, story telling, lies, disillusionment and attributing false causes to the cause of the hallucination such as
aliens, spirits, gods, superstitions, demons, paranormal, etc. It is usually that before a person is triggered to
experience these hallucinations that they be psychologically conditioned mentally with lies, stories, and accounts of people seeing similar
hallucinations and being told with drama. If a person is exposed to prepsychological conditioning and preparation these ideas will be triggered
during the hallucination and these very ideas may be attributed to what they believe is the cause of the laws of nature bending. In the case of the
Sun Dance rumours were circulating months before the hallucinations explaining to the people how to interpret the experience they were going to have
before it happened with propaganda that ``their god was going to create a miracle in the sky and reveal a great message``.
Acting and directing can significantly increase the realism of hallucination. If for example a hallucination of a person levitating is
going to be created, just before the trigger of the eye movement combination of one eye to move very subtly downwards while the other eye remains
fixed on the actor which produces the hallucination, the actor waves their arms around and says words to suspend the
audience in the drama that his hands and words are contributing to the miracle and not triggers in the background which causes the eyes to move.
Depending on what lore these false miracles are surrounded with, weeks before, the victims can be absorbed in media, literature, art,
stories, music, movies, T.V. shows, even people showing up talking about things with the assumption that the hallucinations were real and attributed
to some form of power.
Other types of Conditioned Stimulus may also be used to conduct an experience of the person's bodily responses along with the
Powerful drugs may also be used to heighten the effect of the hallucination, which can be quickly and subversively administered in drinks,
food, illicit drugs, and other means. In one of my experiences they were administered to me in a cigarette.
I ask while you look at the algorithms of producing different kinds of hallucinations you keep in mind that a person being exposed
to this is under the notion that they are witnessing the laws of nature being changed right before their eyes.
The system for creating hallucination must first be conditioned into the person, which can and is easily achieved covertly, and then after it
can be triggered with a conditioned stimulus, audio tone, visualization, or other definable triggers. The experiment of Pavlov`s Dog in which a dog
is triggered to salivate will work to also trigger eye movements. The question is how many conditioning trials of associating the eye movement with
the trigger are necessary over how many days.
Best Regards,