The first few lines i read said 'Bomb Nth Korea' and i thought WTF...
But at least you added to those statements and i agree, start dropping food parcels! Let the brain-washed citizens know that the world actually does
care about them
Reagan was famous for saying "The scariest words in the English language are 'I'm from the government, and I'm here to help you.' " Those words
are bad enough on the domestic scene, but they have to be absolutely terrifying to a foreign audience, given the way we have 'helped' countries like
Afghanistan and Iraq.
The Worlds fighting problem,as far as America is concerned could be handled tomorrow morning at 9am EST...have the Dear Leader order all troops home
by the most expidious means possible...he has the power..."get on the planes Boy's,its over"...but he won't of course....hes a dim/lib puppet who
has lied from Day it goes on and on