Nice thread PG. It's a nice distraction from all the doom and gloom that occupies most of this territory.
On the surface one could say that I lead a normal life. I work 3rd shift now as a merchandise stocker for a major company because the online writing
pays too sporadically to support my wife and 12 year old daughter. I have another daughter, 22 years old, hwo lives in the valley and is a product of
an inrerracial marriage. I still write online from time to time because I've always enjoyed writing. I started writhing poetry and lyrics when I was
15, and currently have almost 400 of those sitting in a bottom drawer of my roll top desk. Collecting dust for the most part. I also hold the keys to
and mange roughly 1 million dollars worth of distressed commercial and residential real estate in northern Arizona. When I say distressed I mean both
physically and because of the geographical location of where it all is. The main reason I do it is because I love my step mother, who's a sweetheart
and who owns it all, and it gives me a very nice home to live in rent free.
In my 46 years I've had my fingers in a lot of pies, but to make a long story short, I was born with a great amount of intelligence handed down to me
by my father whom I never knew. He was an Air Force pilot and did computer maintenance for the military in the '50's. The social circumstances in
which I grew up did not afford me with the opportunties to take that intelligence and make something profitable out of it. Looking back on it all, it
would be easy to see why people would have considered me a loser in life. But only on the surface.
To my mothers credit, she provided a lot of love for me and my 4 brothers, also fatherless, but that's about all she could provide. It was a hard
life, but that love she provided when we were young proved to be the foundation that I fell back on many times when I slipped and fell in life. That,
and my love for music kept hope alive within me that I would eventually do OK. My brothers always seemed to have it a bit easier then I did though in
regards to adapting to the real world. All things considered pragmatically though, I'm lucky not to be dead or in jail right now.
I was always a watcher. I watched people, paid attention, kept an open mind and learned about life that way. I've always been the quiet type who read
a lot and didn't get involved with people more than I had to. I still am today, but not to the same extent as when I was younger and for different
Did I, or do I now, have an interesting life? Define interesting.
If there is one song that that has sumed up my life thus far, it would be this:
(Just in case this link doesn't work. It's acting weird)