posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 08:13 PM
Good evening everybody! I finally decided to make an account here after a few years of lurking. I hope I don't get banned to soon. While I consider
myself a civil poster on message boards, I have been banned from most of the ones I have used mainly because I get irritated when certain people (you
know who you are) decide to "tattle" on others when they think they should be offended.
Also I believe each post should be viewed alone as it is, not from a biased point of view based on the poster's previous comments. When I see people
doing this it irritates me. A lot. When I get irritated I start trolling hard, which usually leads to the ban. So I hope this doesn't happen, and
I'll try really hard to hold back when I should.
Anyways, I wanted to make an account because I have information to share. I have had a few paranormal experiences from my childhood as well as some
weird things that happened while I was in military. I look forward to sharing with you all as soon as I can.