reply to post by confreak
Very nice find and very good way to prove a point I have been trying to make here on ATS.
I didn't see the invisible man until the second time.
I did see and was shocked at the naughty picture I thought I saw in the second frame (and i'm a old heterosexual happily married woman
and it took me twice to see the colored walls.
Now take this one step stated previously, we are a three dimensional being whose eyes work in a very limited capacity, same goes
for our hearing, sense of smell, taste and probably touch.........
An eagle can see way better than us
A bear can smell even better than a blood hound and or human
A shark can sense, hear your heart beating and taste a drop of blood over a mile away
And on and on the list goes
Yet you find that people here on ATS say, wel I've never seen, heard or felt a .....................
We being 3d humans are VERY LIMITED.
There could be and now scientists are saying there probably is a whole parallel world, dimensions, multiverses going on right along side of us and we
just can't pick up on it with our current tech or our current 3d limited physical capacity.
That's why I love when a closed minded, arrogant person comes on board here and says, "there is no such thing as............."
You've just proven my point.
I'm surprised I didn't see the invisible man right off, usually I catch these things.
The woman's neck
I didn't think my mind ran along those think of advertising and even what we are picking up on
TV on a subliminal level and in the post I did a few years back I got blasted on that one, most people saying, "oh it's impossible to fool me".
And the walls...........for me that was the hardest one.
Now, I was born with a high frequency hearing loss and cataracts.
The cataracts can and have been corrected when I was 20. Until I was twenty I didn't know I had freckles.
When I wear hearing aids (which don't really help just amplify sounds because a high frequency hearing loss means you don't pick up consonants) I
never heard rain.
Yet people don't realize if you have never seen freckles or heard rain you are not aware of what you are missing because until you have seen freckles
or heard rain you've never seen freckles or heard rain to begin with.........what are the rest of all of us missing?
Again going back to the eagle, an eagle can spot a fish from (not sure of exact height) but a lot further higher up than we could, maybe cats see
things we don't and that is why they gowl or hiss at stuff seemingly when nothing is in the room. Maybe when people see "ghosts" what they are
seeing are other "beings or people" that have traveled or gone over to another dimension???
So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, keep a open (not gullible) mind and don't think because you see something or don't see something that is all
there is and no more.
We are severly limited in these 3d shells we call bodies...............sometimes you must listen with your heart.
Now maybe David Icke doesn't sound so made after all.