Here's a little more info on the subject of Swiftboat LIARS against Kerry:
(The accusations are pure T horseshiZit)
From Capitol Hill Blue
CHB Investigates. . .
Anti-Kerry Vets Led by Longtime GOP Operative, Bankrolled by Bush Cronies
Capitol Hill Blue Staff Writer
Aug 9, 2004, 08:00
Swift Boat Veterans For Truth, the so-called �independent� group of Navy Vietnam vets who have launched attacks against Democratic Presidential
Contender John F. Kerry, is led by a longtime Republican operative and financed by GOP contributors with strong tries to President George W. Bush.
The Republican roots of the group stretch back to former Republican President Richard M. Nixon when one of the group�s leaders, former Swift Boat
commander John O�Neill, was recruited by White House chief counsel Charles Colson to debate Kerry on The Dick Cavett Show in 1971.
"We found a vet named John O'Neill and formed a group called Vietnam Veterans for a Just Peace. We had O'Neill meet the President, and we did
everything we could do to boost his group," Colson told reporter Joe Klein in a January 5 interview published in The New Yorker magazine.
O�Neill did not serve with Kerry in Vietnam and did not know him but Nixon was anxious to find a veteran, any veteran, to debate veteran and antiwar
activist Kerry. The plan failed. The eloquent Kerry wiped the floor with O�Neill and those closest to the Republican O�Neill say he never forgave
Kerry for embarrassing him on national TV
From Capitol Hill Blue
CHB Investigates. . .
Anti-Kerry Book Author Preaches Hate, Bigotry and Homophobia
Capitol Hill Blue Staff Writer
Aug 10, 2004, 06:06
A co-author of the anti-Kerry screed, Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry, is a religious bigot, hatemonger and gay
basher who says Islam should be eliminated, calls Senator Hillary Clinton a �lesbo� and says �Ragheads are Boy-Bumpers as clearly as they are
�Islam is like a virus,� writes Jerome Corsi who � with longtime GOP operative John O�Neill wrote the book as part of a project financed by Texas
Republican contributors with strong ties to President George W. Bush.
�It (Islam) affects the mind,� Corsi writes. �Maybe even better as an analogy, it is a cancer that destroys the body it infects. No doctor would
hesitate to eliminate cancer cells from the body.�
Corsi posted these comments on the web site on November 26, 2002. He is a regular contributor to the right-wing website, posting
under the screen handle of �jrlc� since 2001.
A frequent gay basher, Corsi on November 18, 2001, posted: �Isn�t the Democratic Party the official SODOMIZER PROTECTION ASSOCIATION of AMERICA?�
(The capital letters are his)
He reserves the same hatred towards Catholics: �So this is what the last days of the Catholic Church are going to look like. Buggering boys undermines
the moral base and the lawyers rip the gold off the Vatican alters. We may get one more Pope, when this senile old one dies, but that�s probably about
it.� (Posted on December 16, 2002).