“If Israel is taken out of the Middle East, Western Civilization will fall.” – Glenn Beck
These are the words of a true New World Order member.
Glenn Beck set up a show to invite the viewers to information that has been taken from whistleblowers and truthers such as Alex Jones, on the Glenn
Beck Show. He has even been using material that Alex Jones posted days before Glenn Beck. Glenn Beck is trying to gain the confidence of the public
only to turn on them at the last minute.
Though these are chaotic times, it is not hard to see that this fraud is part of the globalist agenda to brainwash the viewers to side with Israel in
the upcoming world war. conspiracy theorists that know the facts by taking the facts that have been revealed to expose the New World Order using the
information to line the people with the side of the New World Order without knowing it, by smudging, materializing, and lying about other facts.
He knows there is another great war coming and that Israel is at the heart of the New World Order in the Middle East. He is trying to get people to
hate Middle Easterners and fear the CIA-borne terrorists that are blamed for terrorism and identified as jihadists. This is not new as the 9/11
attacks were used to produce hate of Middle Easterners and Muslims too to side the American people with the government to go to war.
Glenn Beck has been using progressive tactics on his TV show to slowly gain your trust so that he can tell you anything in the end and you will
believe it. For those who know more than what he is telling, we can tell he is a fraud and his tactics have not worked. His work has failed.
What makes him a fraud:
1. Believes terrorists conducted 9/11 attacks and anyone who believes otherwise is an idiot.
2. Tries to make light of the situation of the Bilderberg meetings and the fraudulent Obama birth certificate
3. Backs the criminal, inhumane, mason state, israel (not the people that reside within, but those in power) and produces hate and violence against
Muslims and Middle Easterners and puts war on the mind of the viewers
4. Supports the tyrannical Patriot Act and bailouts
5. Insists the New World Order includes Leftist Communists/Socialists and Radical Muslims (what about the Right-wing that is in ties with the NWO, can
it be global if it is only on one side of the spectrum?? hmmm)
6. He is a conspiring Mason (Prince of Jerusalem..wait isn't Jerusalem in Israel??)
7. He is a mormon - a religion with its roots from Wicca
8. Supports the Iraq War (a murderous mess for corporate gain, central bank implementation, war-profit, occupation, etc.)
9. Tries to put in peoples' minds the idea that they should be on one of two sides (an absolute ideal) in this coming war, when it is this two-sided
idea that creates control for few over many
10. Talks against progressivism when he himself is a progressive
As he has stated before, Glenn Beck is a recovering alcohol and substance abuser. Globalists look for weak people to prey on to turn them and push
their ideologies on. They prop them up, reward them (50 million dollar contract), and use them as a tool. In the end, if they are exposed, fail, or
fall, there is no worry by the globalists because these weak people are a dime a dozen, expendable patsies.
Glenn Beck = Fail
edit on 24-6-2011 by SomeCheesyUsername because: - had to get the videos to show up
Just one comment actually. If he thinks that little 'ol Israel is what is stopping WW3 from happening, he is absolutely delusional. And for him to say
that is highly suspect IMO.
The most ridiculous part of this is that he actually believes it and will convince many others of the same.
edit on 24-6-2011 by jude11 because: (no reason given)
I think your wrong; if you look at the core message of his rants and all the grander for his ventures. He is screaming at the top of his lungs "GET
it only seems like israel (zionists branch not general population of jews) it only APPEARS like they are nationalists but that wouldn't explain all
the spying , false flag operations , bullying , arrogance , they don't listien to the u.n , the usa , international community , there own people ,
they do what they want when they want. These are actions of globalist actions. Israel already has its arm in many parts of the world . But they
don't like to broadcast it such. Like the taliban they like to blend in with the crowd if you will. Its very stealth and clearly you can see they
doing a good job making it seem like its just a natioanlist movement. The zionists are taking the poor jews for a ride on the if your not with us your
against us . Most jews have no choice but to follow the herd just like the rest of us .....but just sometimes some break free
Anyone could tell you that if they know a little bit about anything. His goal is to gain your trust, and at the last episode try and side you with the
NWO without you knowing because of the tactics he's been using. In this case it is defend Israel because (publically: because if it falls, we fall;
secretly: if Israel falls the NWO are injured)
If I were to say, Israel should not be there in the first place, it is not ment to be an anti-semitic remark because it is the globalists that run
Israel in order to have a base in the Middle East (center of energy at the time) for control over the area's affairs. I feel for the Jews that have
been moved from Europe are just being used as tax money sources in the Middle East to prop up this mulit-billion dollar annually funded(by the US)
military state.
edit on 24-6-2011 by SomeCheesyUsername because: (no reason given)
Wow! for someone who dislikes Beck, you sure listen to the guy a lot.
Why don't you just turn the channel or even better yet, turn OFF the TV???
These people only have as much power as YOU give them!
I've always been suspicious of Beck. I had to watch him closely. I had to find out what he was about because there were some things about him that
didn't line up. If he was legitimate, fine moving on, but since he is a wolf in sheep's clothing he is dangerous to those starting to wake up and
smell the roses. People have to know he's a fraud before they get led astray too far. You can't be a master of two houses and he # the bed on this
Glenn Beck, while many would state he is a fraud has a track record that far exceeds what many others would state. A large percentage of his
predictions have come to pass. A man, whose entire show based around research, not reporting the news, so terrified a presidency to the point where
they went to war against him. The man has to be doing something right to do that, can surely not be a fraud. However there are a few things that
still are points of contention in the ops posting.
1) Muslim extremist did attack the US. As there is proof that Osama was in charge of Al Queda, and did take credit for the attack, then the
conclusion must be that he ultimately is responsible for the devastation that was caused. After all what is there to gain by claiming responsibility
for said actions, if one did not do such? Nothing, but the animosity of the world. And ultimately the question was asked, and rightly so, if you
were in a position of power to have access to the information, and was one of the people who believed that 9/11 was an inside job, then could you be
trusted to do said job, by violating your contract and agreements? Yet those who do, quickly turn around and try to distance themselves from that
group when it is brought up in front of them. Even when their signature is on the paper.
2) The point of the entire birth certificate is that so many people tend to ignore what is in the aspects of the law, if one parent is a citizen of
the US, then the child is a citizen of the US, and when said child becomes 18, will have the right to choose his or her nationality. While the
Bilderberg meetings are held behind closed doors, the questions may come up what all do they discuss, but as the people who attend would normally have
security surrounding them. Could you say that if you were in their position, that you would not want a tight security for any meeting that you may
3) And why not back the state of Israel? After all it takes 2 to have a fight. After the creation of the state of Israel, was it not 2 Muslim
states that attacked the newly formed country of Israel? They set the stage of problems of today. The problems there is not just all Israel’s
fault, it also lies on the other side, and those that would supply Palestine with military weapons.
5) Has shown how terms like Social Justice is perverted and twisted to where it is no longer something that is good, but would be the downfall of
many. Pointing out where people are demanded to give cause they earned it to those who neither deserve or has earned such, the very ideas reek of
communist/socialist ideology.
6) Can you provide that he is a conspiring mason? After all seems like where ever some group is exclusive, and those who can not get in, tend to bad
mouth that which they do not understand.
7) As all of the Judaic religions have pagan roots. And all of the Christian churches have elements of Wicca, so how is that any different from that
claim? If one studies religions and compares them side by side, there is often shown a common theme.
8) And would you have those who willingly go into the military to be treated as those who returned from Viet Nam? When the troops came back from
Viet Nam, they were not treated as they should have been, they were abused and hated, spit on. It was appalling and should never have happened, and
if the view he puts out puts a favorable light on those who swore to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States and to follow the orders
of the president and the leader of the country.
10) And his arguments do give one pause to think about if it is such a good idea to follow progressivism.
There is one thing that the op has failed to mention, and it should be, as Glenn himself has stated time and time again: Do not take my word for it,
do your research, find out the truth for yourself.
And it is something that all of us should take heed and do, listen to what all he says and then do our own research to find our own conclusions.
I'm sorry to disappoint you. Muslim extremists did not attack the U.S on 9/11. You had best get doing some real research and start thinking for
yourself. Otherwise, don't spew more disinfo!
This thread is for people who already know the truth behind 9/11, Israel, the Birth Certificate, the Iraq War, the bailouts, the Bilderberg Meetings,
etc. There is no room for disinfo agents here because you get caught too easy.
It doesn't make any difference if there is 1 disinfo agent or 1000 posting on this thread. The truth is being chipped at to be revealed. The NWO will
edit on 24-6-2011 by SomeCheesyUsername because: (no reason given)
We really need to get over this 'leader' stuff. Arguing about this or that person and what their real motives are just divides - exactly what tptb
want. Alex/Beck/xxxx - they all have their own motives, and frankly I don't care. Get what useful you can from any of them and reject the rest. Think
for yourself.