posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 08:34 PM
I was sitting outside, enjoying the thrill of a REAL COORS East of the Mississippi(if you know what I mean), on a nice summer evening as the sun was
going down. (tonight) I started to think about how things were when I was a kid growing up and how things have changed. Really Changed!
When I was growing up, my parents watched the news in the morning before going to work(they had good paying jobs back then), and again at 10pm before
watching Johnny Carson. The news was accurate for our area and really told what was going on. So was the weather report +/- a little. There was no
HAARP, no terror threats, Pat downs at the air port,or nuke plants in danger of melt down every other month even tho they were there.
We weren't worried about volcanoes erupting, tsunamis, or Big Brother watching our every move. Our Social Security card was something private. We
were told NEVER to give the number out to anyone. Now you can't go anywhere without it! When I was raising my kids, I found myself following
similar patterns of behavior as my parents before me, and then watching Leno instead of Carson. Overall things were pretty much the same.
Now, I find myself in a new world where I check ATS first thing in the morning, forget the MSM news, and check "Dutchsinse Channel" for the latest
"weather report according to HAARP for the next 24-48 hours". Maybe that's the way the new world will go. We will check here to see what is
really going on in the world and then find out the HAARP weather/earthquake/ eruption forecast for the day. The old fashioned news and weather
reports don't seem to apply anymore. Anyway had to express my thoughts. Does anybody else feel this way?