posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by voltardark
You seem to have left out, ignored, or completely missed the understanding of:
```Planetary drift
~~~Any documented scientific fact
Not to mention the fact that you present the solar system as completely a tire you say....and things can get it out of balance... isn't perfectly round. It is already out of balance. All of the above objects I mentioned along with others are always acting on everything
there is. And will also act on this comet.
Many people who have a way better relationship with mathematics than I have, do not have this impacting us. It's gravitational pull might affect
something in the solar system, but unless it actually hits something, I can't see the force of a passing small comet affecting earth very much.
I do not understand at all your "solution". How do we counteract the ripples? If we can't then how can we "prepare?" What do you propose we do to
protect ourselves?
Me personally, if I worry about it hitting us, then the rest of my life will be spent with more stress and fear than is ever needed. If it does hit
us, then we are totally screwed anyways.
So why worry at all if there is nothing we can do?