Hey guys! I've been visiting the site for over a year now and it has really opened my eyes to some thing (and closed them to others). I've
thoroughly enjoyed almost every thread i've seen and i am looking forward to contributing to the debating/discussing.
A little about me.. I am from central Mississippi. After i graduated high school i was deploed to Afghanistan for a year and i am curently still in
the National Guard. I have a very open mind but know when to be rational.
I'm prepared for all the arguing, bashing, and ridicule i will reciece. I guess i'll just take it as constructive criticism. Thank you for reading
the post, hope no one uses a redneck joke too soon!
i have a wide variety of interests actually. I am a fan of any conspiracy in general. a few other subjects include: philidelphia experiment type
project, time travel, multiple dimension theories, black eyed kids, UFOlogy, and paranormal investiagions. basically everything on this site, with
those being some of my favorites.
Welcome aboard and tip o the hat for your service! Check that 'search' function in the upper right corner for specific subjects, man we got a
plethora of em' for sure! Happy truth pursuits to you man!
Welcome to ATS lookin forwade to hearing your posts Thank You for your service ..Red Neck jokes ..I am one !! Joke or redneck or both sometimes
Have fun and clean your gun