posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 12:36 PM
Hey guys, I'm relatively new to the whole chakra, astral projection, and OBE thing. I've been buying/downloading some songs etc for the purpose of
"cleansing" the chakras as it's called. So tonight I was trying to OBE, and I was right about there, but couldn't get it.
I had achieved sleep paralysis, I got to the vibration stage, and I could feel the astral body trying to leave the physical plane (IE twitching
fingers, eye movements, etc) but I couldn't get it.
NOTE: On one site I looked to for help, it said you gotta control the vibrations, how do I do this? It said willpower and I was just kinda clueless. I
was doing the rope technique if that is any help. BTW: When I'm doing the rope technique, should I imagine the rope just stops at the ceiling of the
current room, or continues on through everything?